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Ethan came over and I held him. I held him as he cried as if someone had died and he was mourning. We just laid on the couch and his head on my chest as he sobbed and I rubbed his back for what felt like hours was really just one. 

"What happened, Ethan?" I ask quietly once I notice his sobs became more quiet. 

He sat up from where he was laying, "I- I went to her house like she asked a-and the door was unlocked so I went inside to her room and she was in bed with Jack." 

"Ethan, I'm so sorry." I whisper as I held him again. 

"Me and Jack were so cool, I don't know what happened." Your girlfriend is a stupid bitch, that's what happened.

"What happened after that?" I ask running my fingers through his hair.

"I don't remember a lot, she was freaking out and I just stood there. I just stood there, I should've hit him-"

"No, you shouldn't have. I'm glad you didn't." I interrupted.

"He was with my girl!" He shouted in frustration.

"Your girl was with him, Ethan. She chose that." He rested his head back on my chest while I continued to play with his hair. It was so long and silky. He began to sniffle as his crying subsided. 

"What am I gonna do, Evelyn? I thought I loved her." The room was dark and silence filled the air.

"Whatever you want to, E." I sighed. 

"Tell me what to do-"

"I'm not gonna tell you what to do, Ethan, that's your choice."

"What would you do?"

The doorbell rang. Both of our attention snapped to the door and then at each other. He raises up once more and I get up from the couch slowly making my way to the door, confused as to who it might be.

"Were you expecting someone?" Ethan asked curiously.

"No, I wasn't." I continued my way to the door. 

"Maybe I should answer it then-" I already opened the door midway of his sentence.


"Hi, Evelyn." She said quietly with tears in her eyes looking down to the ground, almost in shame.

"Now I know you did not just come to MY house damn well knowing what you did to Ethan, MY best friend, who the fuck do you think you are tearing him apart like that-"

"Evelyn I need help." She interrupted, quite rudely I might add. I can feel Ethan peering as best as he could but I hid him from view with the door. 

"Yes, yes you do. I have a number for a great psychiatrist." She rolled her eyes at my comment.

"Ethan is here, isn't he?"

"You couldn't tell by the large black truck sitting behind you?" I laid against the door frame, crossing my arms.

"PLEASE LET ME TALK TO HIM-" She began pushing against the door attempting to push me out of the way, but I fought back. 

I feel Ethan behind me, towering over me looking into her eyes. I know because she looked into his with that stupid ass puppy dog face that made me want to throw her off a building.

He opened the door slightly, allowing for her to see him better. 

"Amanda, you need to leave."

"Please, baby, I walked here-" She argued. 

"And you can walk back. We're done." My arms still crossed I look back and forth between the two and notice Ethan's eyes begin to well up again.  

She threw a fit like a child, just as expected, and stormed off calling someone on her phone. 

I shut the door, locking it after, and turned around to walk to the kitchen to start making dinner. As soon as I turned around, I felt Ethan's presence stay right where he was, blocking my path. 

"I heard you defend me." He smirks.

My heart raced a little, "Oh?"

"Yeah, it was cute." 

"It wasn't meant to be cute."

He made himself closer to me to where I can almost feel his breath, "But it was."

His large arms wrapped themselves around me like they pretty much have been all night. He seemed peaceful, calm, and almost serene. Almost as if leaving her was what he needed. I held him once more as his face buried in my neck, his breath sending me shivers down my spine. He was warm, soft, and he smelled really good so that's a plus. 

"Thank you" he muttered while pulling away from the hug. 

I nodded and walked over to the kitchen, finally getting everything together to finish dinner. "You wanna stay for dinner?" I asked knowing he still needed company. 

He nodded his head, "As long as your family is okay with it." 

"Well, we have plenty of food and it's just my dad and I tonight." My dad loves Ethan. I'm not really sure why, I think they just have great chemistry. Not to mention they like talking about the same things. 

I hear Ethan reach into the cabinet and grab a cookie sheet to place the garlic bread on and then start the oven. He came back over to where I'm standing and leaned against the counter. "What all do you need help with?"

I reached under the cabinet below me to get out a small pot to boil the noodles in, "Here, put some water in this for me." 


It was late at night, Ethan had already left to go home hours ago. My dad was passed out on the couch watching football, and I don't know why I can't sleep. Ethan is running through my mind. Half of me is hoping he's okay and not bottling it up like he usually does, and the other half of me is just wanting to see him again. But things just feel strange, I don't understand it. I mean, I'm glad he's broken up with Amanda and maybe that's what it is. I'm always scared he's gonna get hurt. Always.


Ethan's POV.

There was something strange about today and the way Evelyn held me. I felt so pathetic crying like a baby in front of her, but she's helped me with this before. I don't know why I date these kind of girls. Maybe it has something to do with feeling important, or maybe it's the ass, I'm not sure. But no matter who it is, no matter what it is, no matter how much it hurts or even just annoys me Evelyn is there. Always next to me, always fighting with me, always willing to kick somebody's ass despite the fact she's so short. 

I miss her, and that's different. I mean, I always miss her, but I miss her in a different way. I want her. She's so beautiful all the time, even without trying. Especially without trying. 

I want her.

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