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I smiled, the thought of where we met not only amused me but made me feel nostalgic. I felt Ethan's hands guide mine and I realize we're playing the game. My mind begins to wander and I sink into his chest. He presses against me and I rest my head back on his shoulder. He lets go of the buttons and joystick and moves his hands, wrapping them around my waist. The smell of his cologne lingering around the soft cotton material of his shirt.

"Trust me." He whispers into my ear.

I close my eyes and breathe in deep breaths, listening to him.

After a while he lets go and we play for another hour or so of different games and win small prizes like a tiny teddy bear and some candy.

"Thank you." I smile at the girl working the prize counter as I grab my candy and turn around with Ethan by my side. He smiles and pulls something out of his wallet.

"Also, I'd like the laser guns at the top of the shelf." He says as he hands a handful of old tickets to the girl. She smiled and took the tickets from him, reaching up to the higher shelf.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" I smiled.

He smiled back and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I always wanted to get it for you growing up, so I saved up my tickets from when I was younger. But.. we never came back." My heart dropped at the sound of Ethan saving his tickets to buy me something- especially something I had always wanted.

"But that was so long ago-"

"Here you go!" The lady smiled cheerfully.

Ethan looked at me then back to the guns, signalling for me to grab them. I smiled shyly and grabbed the box and walked away from the counter with Ethan as he said thank you. I ran my fingers over the box with a feeling of nostalgia clouding my brain.

I look at the front door of the Arcade as I follow behind Ethan who is leading me to his car. He opens every door for me in our path, including the car door.

I look at the clock displayed on the radio. 3:15pm

My eyes wandered out the window as I admired the clouds in the sky as they floated carelessly in the air.

"I want to take you somewhere else, too, if that's okay."

 I look to him as he's focused on the road, "Okay, where?"

"You'll see."

Minutes go by and I realize we're downtown and in the parking lot of the Aquarium. I turn my head toward him as he gets out of the car.

"Ethan," I began, "Why are we here?"

"I want to face my fears." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the building. Tall skyscrapers surrounded us as we walked to the front door.

There were trees surrounding the entrance, making it harder to see until we got inside the building. He was so serious, usually, he's playful and upbeat. But now he looks so determined and almost stressed out.

We approach the front desk and Ethan purchases 2 one hour tickets for us. He grabbed my hand and we rushed inside. The sounds of children laughing echoing through the halls filled my ears as we walked. There was a comfort being with him, a comfort I always knew was there, but never in this way. His soft hands in mine, gripping firmly. His Earthly green eyes peering to mine every once in a while; his perfect smile showing as soon as he sees me.

Ethan's POV.

Now's the time, Ethan. Take a deep breath.

Evelyn's POV.

We slowed down as we entered the shark exhibit. I could tell he was nervous; his heart pounding through his chest as the creatures came closer to the glass and jerked away quickly. It left him jumping backward like a scared little puppy. "God, Evelyn, they're terrifying."

I chuckled, "Come here."

I pulled him closer to me as I walked backward toward the glass, "Umm, I think I'm okay here." He pulled back hesitantly.

I raised an eyebrow and turned around facing the glass. I walked closer and closer as swam the shark on the other side of the glass. The shark turned to it's side and slowly swam past me as if it were suspicious or curious. I look down and see a pair of arms wrapped around my waist tightly, those arms attached to a shaking body.

"Is it gone?" He muttered.

"Yes, Ethan." I smiled.

He slowly let go of my waist and stood beside me.

"OH GOD- THERE IT IS!" I screamed.

"AHH SHIT!" Ethan jumped back again-falling on the floor cradling himself in the fetal position. My uncontrollable laughter filled the room as I bent down holding my stomach from the lack of air. Why? Because there was no shark to be found.

"Evelyn I hate you with every part of my being."

"Really? That's not what you said earlier." I walked confidently out of the room looking back at him, trying to be seductive but failing.

I walk into the flamingo exhibit, seeing all the pink birds flocking around. Their loud sounds resonating as they danced around the pond area.

"They're weird." I hear Ethan.

"No they're not, they're so cute!"

"Have you seen them when they're babies? They're ugly." He said shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Shut up," I lean down talking to the baby flamingo in front of me, "They're perfect aren't you? Aren't youuu?" I speak with a baby voice.

Ethan laughs as I stand up and walk to the penguin exhibit entrance. My elbow is pulled back and I feel a warm presence directly behind me.

"Let's go to one more place. It's right around the corner from here." I nod and look around seeing the kids on the field trip pass us and laugh. 

"Oh to be young." I sigh and walk to the exit.

I follow behind him as he leads us through the lobby and onto the sidewalk outside. 

We walk for  a little while as I admired the buildings once again as they seemed to light up a bit, the sun going down a little early. I peer around to see taxis and cars flooding the streets; it's rush hour, which means a lot of traffic. That also means my parents will be getting off of work soon, oh God, I hope they don't know I skipped with Eth-

"You doing okay there?" Ethan asks lowering his head a little to see my face as it hid behind my strands of hair.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good. What about you?" 

"I'm good." He smirked.

We walked into a glass building, where in the center of the room was an elevator. No front desk, no chairs, no people. Just an elevator.

"Ethan where are we?" 

Ethan pressed on, almost ignoring my question as if to surprise me. We continued as he pushed the button to call the elevator down to our level, and after a minute it arrived. Ethan held his hand out for me to go in first, so I did. I admired the marble floor of the elevator and the wood finishing of the wall around us. There were little pictures hanging around of the city; one of a group of girls, one of a little boy, and one of a senior couple. I smiled as I admired the cheerful looks on their faces as I feel something skim across the surface of the skin on my hand. I look over and see Ethan's fingers slowly gliding against my pinky; asking permission to hold. I grab a hold of his hand and hear a light sigh of relief come from him.  


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