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The elevator door opened and stood before us was a lobby full of furniture and nice decor. Lavish wooden tables sat next to the dark plush couches, as waiters walked around serving drinks to loving couples and families gathering for birthdays. I looked around in awe of what surrounded this place- glass walls. Ethan pulled my hand that was holding his and walked inside. He smiled at the man standing behind the podium and whispered in his ear. He returned the smile, "Right this way."

He walked to a door I didn't notice was placed in the corner of the room. "Here you are sir, enjoy the view and let me know if I may assist you in any other way." Ethan thanked him as he pulled me out onto the outside area where the floor was glass. Don't look down Evelyn, just don't look down. 

"Hold on to me." Ethan muttered. I hesitated, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"Oh God, what if I fall?" I squealed clinging onto one of the railings closest to us. 

He laughed and held his hands out, "Evelyn, come on. We're completely safe." 

"Nope, no, I don't think so."

He walked over to me as he gently unwrapped my hands from the railing, "Trust me." 

I nodded, remembering the arcade and how he held me. How emotionally safe I felt, now he must want me to trust him physically.

I attempted to try to fight the hesitation as I slowly tightened the grip I had on his hands that were leading me to my feared death.

We made it to the edge of the outer railing as we looked past and saw the skyline. Every fear that I had was taken away as I looked around and saw everything glisten as the sun began to lower. The lights turning on, illuminating every detail of what was before me.

"All I'm asking for is a new perspective. It's hard, stepping out into the unknown, but I think what we have is beautiful and unlike any other." He stepped behind me, one hand on my waist and the other on the railing in front of me.

 "Sometimes," he continued, "reaching to new heights can unravel something magnificent, something we knew was there but never took the time to love and admire. I know it's different and scary, but I'm always here- holding onto you making sure you won't fall. I'll continue to be there for you, I'll love you like no guy you ever dated has. I'll never lie to you, I haven't so far and I don't think I could if I tried." The grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to him, the smell of his cologne lingering in the air and putting me at ease.

My breath was taken away, to the point I had to check if I was actually breathing or not. Good thing I was. My heart was pounding with joy and excitement, yet adrenaline from being up so high. My thoughts were clouded with mental images of us being a couple and thinking if I would be happy. I mean, would I be? He's my best friend, my everything, what happened if we didn't work out or if he fell out of love with me? I haven't even thought about school or what people would think of him being with someone like me, or Amanda. Or Grayson? What would his family think? 

I was pulled out of my thoughts from Ethan turning me around, putting his hand on my cheek. "I love you. I've always loved you. I've always cared for you, Evelyn." 

Evelyn... do it. Do what you're thinking right now. There isn't a better moment than this one. You know you've wanted it since the day your eyes met his, since you were kids.

I closed my eyes and quickly pressed my lips against his, cupping his cheeks in my hands. I could feel the shock within him as he froze, and finally his lips moved with mine. We were in sync more than I ever thought we could be. His hands snaked around my waist and held me like his life depended on it. Ethan deepened the kiss as he leaned in closer and our bodies closed the gap in between us. I felt breathless once again, but somehow it didn't feel like I needed air. My thoughts escaped me completely and I felt weightless.

I finally broke the kiss as I leaned back slightly. Ethan pressed his forehead against mine as we stood there. Silence filled the air, but it was a good silence. A feeling inside of me grew as I thought of our moment we just shared, or how he looked at me in the hallways. How he laid next to me and held me when we would watch the stars, when his hand was placed on my thigh during our late night drive back home, how he was himself when we went swimming in that clearing. He's loved me and he's never left. 

"That was, uh.. unexpected." He laughed nervously.

"Did you like it?" I asked confidently.

I see a grin begin to appear from the corner of Ethan's lips as it grew into a full fledged teeth-showing smile, "It was the best thing that ever happened to me." 

I grab his hands and look into the rich brown eyes as the sunset peered into them, flashing little flecks of a lighter brown and some golds. "I'm ready." I say adamantly. 

"Ready for?" Ethan's eyebrow perked up.

I grab his hands tighter and look down at them, noticing his thumb rubbing circles in my palms. I smile thinking of the endless possibilities that lie within this new adventure that I'm positive I'm willing to go on. I want to explore this feeling of fear and absolute madness. But in the midst of this I feel safe.

"I'm ready for this, for us."

Ethan smiled, "What are we waiting for then?"


Ethan's truck rolled up to my house and came to a complete stop in the driveway. The drive back was amazing; we talked, laughed, sang, and being just how we were before but... less restricted.

I look at my house almost afraid to go in. Probably because I didn't text my parents where I was and it's now 7:00pm. I pull up my phone as I see 12 missed calls from both my mom and my dad. Great. 

I pulled the lever on the side of my door to open the door, "Wait." Ethan said. I remained still as he came around and opened the door for me. I swung  my legs around to slide out of my seat when I see Ethan blocking my path. I look at him confused for half a second when he leans in and kisses me, pushing his torso in between my legs as they wrap around him. One of his hands tangle itself in my hair while the other holds my lower back pushing my closer. He lets go of the kiss and looks me in the eyes as he leans over me.

"I never got to officially ask you."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion, wondering what he was talking about.

"Ask me what?" 

Ethan smiles as he kisses my cheek repeatedly making his way down my neck, causing short breaths to escape from me. He stops at my collar bone and raises his head to look me in the eyes again sending me in a flustered state of mind. I felt my palms sweating and my head spinning. 

"Evelyn?" He mutters.

I nod my head in response as he continues, "Will you be mine?"

"Yes Ethan."


I lay down on my bed after a lecture from my parents about communication, and open my phone to see if Ethan got home okay.

Me: Hey E, you make it home safe?

I clicked my phone off and closed my eyes for a few minutes. Today was the best day I've ever had, I felt so happy. It felt so different to not be friends with him, but to actually be dating him. THE Ethan Dolan; my best friend, ex boyfriend of Amanda (that was my favorite part), the brother of Grayson and Cameron, son of Lisa and Sean. I bit my lip trying to contain the newly addition of excitement and joy as it overwhelmed me and I ended up squealing.



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