~{Chapter 1}~

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It's an average boring day at Sunbrooke High. Everyone chatters in their own corner while the teacher talks, everyone throws papers at each other, puts their feet on their desk as if they own the place, etc.

Sunbrooke High is just your average high school. The neighboring schools are usually known for their football teams while the sport we do is soccer.

I mostly just head to music class to play the piano while my class heads to gym. The coach has completely given up on me after the amount of times that he's tried to make me not fail at sports.


I get up from my desk, stacking my things to walk out of my Math class (the most boring class out of everything that I have) and head to my locker to put my things away and see my friends in the cafeteria.

"Watch it!" I heard. As I look up from my feet,immediately getting run into,which sent me flying a few steps and landing on my ass.

"Ow..."I mumbled,rubbing the side of my butt and looking around as everyone was laughing at what had happened.

"Sorry!"I heard as the guy continued to run through the hall.I just shook my head and picked up my things.

"Need a hand?"A familiar voice said.I looked up to see Mark holding out his hand to help me up.

"Sure,"I sighed,grabbing his hand as he pulled me back to my feet,"thanks."I patted my legs to remove the dust.

"No problem.You alright?"He put his hand on my shoulder,walking alongside me to my locker.

"I guess,just simply got rammed into by some guy who was supposedly running late for class."I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah,that's the new kid.He's been running all over the school from room to room,trying to figure out where his classes are."He smiled kindly.

"Well it wouldn't kill him to slow down a tad."I said as Mark chuckled.

"Did you forget how you were the very first time you've came here?You were a big mess as well.Way worse than him."He patted my shoulder as we stopped at our lockers.

"Oh shut up.I was a running tomboy back then and still am."I sighed,opening my locker and putting my things away.

"You were an adorable little bean who got stressed over nothing."He ruffled my short black hair,closing his locker.

"Was not!"I playfully growled at him as I swatted his hand away.

"That's what they all say.Anyways,I gotta head to gym class before the coach gives me shit even if we're only recess.I'll talk to you later!"Mark said as he began jogging to gym class.

I saluted to him,seeing as he disappeared into the crowd,I closed my locker.


I sighed,realizing that my plan to head to the cafeteria was cancelled and that I needed to head to the room since the bell rang.

To the music room I go.

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