~{Chapter 3}~

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"Samantha!!!!!" I heard behind me as I walked to my locker, unlocking it to put my things away and get ready for Drama class.

"That's me," I responded, turning towards Iris and Amelia who stopped right next to my locker, "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Have you met the new kid yet?"Iris asked,a big dorky smile on her face.

"I guess you can say that. It was only a quick hello and he was curious who was playing the song 'Can't Help Falling in Love With You' by Elvis on the piano. After that, he had to rush to the office since he had wasted time." I grabbed my agenda and my pencil case from my locker,thinking about what I needed.

"Did you get his name?" Amelia put her hand on my shoulder from behind, with a look of curiosity in her eyes.

"No, I did not and why are you guys so obsessed with me meeting him?" I closed my locker and began heading to Drama with the girls.

"No reason." Iris answered, exchanging looks with Amelia.

"O...kay?Anyways,lets run to class before we're really late." I suggested,beginning to sprint down the halls with the girls following behind,being cautious to not let the teachers catch us running.


We walked into the school's theater, the teacher looking at us with a look of disappointment.

"Playing the piano again,Sakubara?"Ms.Rachel called out. I scratched the back of my head nervously as I approached the stage that Ms.Rachel stood on.

"And what if I didn't?" I asked,smirking at my remark. Ms.Rachel just simply shook her head in disgust and resumed teaching.

As the three of us searched for a seat,my eyes had caught a glimpse of the blue haired boy that I met in the music room,on the stage as he was setting up the tech stuff.

"Hey look,Samantha! It's him!" Iris whispered, nudging my side.

"Would you just shush!" I glared over at Iris, taking my seat a few rows away from the stage but just enough to be able to hear the teacher.

"You'd think he'd notice you by now." Amelia chuckled,covering her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Would you!?" I shouted in a whisper. I gently patted Amelia's shoulder, taking out a sheet of paper and laying it on top of my agenda.

I began to take down notes about acting in romantic scenes, my mind wandering off into la la land but still paying attention to what the teacher was saying until the Ms.Rachel started talking the blue haired boy.

"Ethan? While you're up here, can you do an example of a romance scene for us with whoever you choose?" Ms.Rachel asked him. His head immediately shot up and looked up at her.

"U-um....I'm not sure about that..." He stuttered.

"Come on.You are really good at improvisation during lunch periods. Show the class how it's done." Ms.Rachel walked off the stage and stood on the side, just enough to see the whole stage.

"Okay....Don't I ne-"the guy spoke but was then caught off by her.

"Mr.Fischbach, can you take care of all the technical stuff while Samantha and Ethan show us a demonstration of a romance scene,please?" She pushed her burgundy glasses back up and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Yes,ma'am." Mark got up out of his seat and walked up to the stage, sitting where the guy was before he got up and walked to the middle of the stage.

"Wait...What?" I questioned, obviously not okay with having to be forced to do a demonstration. I looked over at Iris who had then pushed me to go.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'm going." I walked onto the stage, passing my fingers through my short black hair.

I wasn't much for showing demonstrations. Especially after what had happened in elementary, I never bothered to present in-front of an audience.

"Is there anything that you need for the demonstration, Mr.Nestor?" The teacher questioned.

"I may need a desk for this." He looked over at her, tugging the waistband of his jeans upwards.

Then, a desk was brought up to the stage and he placed it in the middle of the stage, the front and back facing the sides for a better view.

"You may begin whenever you're ready." Ms.Rachel nodded once.

I looked over at Iris and Amelia who gave me a thumbs up and a wink.

I rolled mt eyes, shifting my view to Ethan who seemed like he was taking deep breaths to get in character.

I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Why are you so against on me becoming like you?" Ethan asked a little angry, facing me with his eyes looking straight at me.

I needed to think of something right off the bat. I didn't want it to turn into some sort of Twilight scene where Edward explains why he doesn't want Bella to become like him so I decided to just play my cards right.

"Because...." I looked up at him, making myself look frightened.

"Tell me." He slowly started to approach, making me back up towards the desk.

"I don't want you to transform into me because it's dangerous. It can kill you." I pretended to panic.

"What can kill me? I would be able to protect you from the danger. I f*cking love you! I would do whatever I can to protect you even if it kills me! Just let me be like you!" My back had gently hit the desk, the guy still approaching me.

"I don't care. Your life matters more to me." I began to run out of ideas. He gently placed his hands on each side of me, on the desk, leaning really close to my face to the point that I could feel his breath against my nose.

"Maybe I just want to be the one protecting you. Not all stories should have a prince protecting the princess." I said, looking down at his lips as I bite my own to make it more realistic. After we stared at each other in the eyes, we pretended to lean in for a kiss.

"But life isn't always a fairy tale...you know? Even if it may seem so," He wrapped his arm around my waist,pulling me closer until he suddenly let me go,"Scene." He immediately stormed out of the theater, as if he wanted to avoid someone.

I was so confused with what had just happened. I was trying to register what we did for a demonstration. I left the stage and returned back to my seat as Mark did the same as well, sitting right next to me rather than his normal spot in the very front.

"You alright?You seem flustered there."Mark teased, chuckling.

"Oh shut up. I'm not used to that kind of stuff." I slouched down in my seat, crossing my arms as I try to hide my embarrassed face from everyone.

"Not bad. Next?" Ms.Rachel looked at everyone, searching for her next victim.

"Is Tyler gonna be home tonight?" Mark asked, looking at me as Iris and Amelia were both lost in their own little worlds.

"Yeah, he should be there. He's been there ever since he got in a fight with his best friend that he was originally staying at." I rested my feet on the headrest that belonged to an empty seat in-front of me.

"Ah okay. Because Tyler and I are going to be recording a video with Ethan today." He passed his fingers through his hair as he looked at the stage.

"Who's Ethan?" I asked curiously, looking right at him.

"The new kid that you just did a demonstration with. We're gonna be doing a do not laugh improvisation." Mark crossed his arms as I simply just nodded.

"Mark and Ethan." Ms.Rachel called out as the blue haired boy walked back in, his face dripping wet with water.

"That's my queue." Mark shot up and jogged to the stage with the boy.

This was going to be a long and torturous period.

Falling in Love With You (Crankgameplays x OC)Where stories live. Discover now