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I'm sitting on the steps next to the harbour with two coffees in my hand and one next to me. These steps are where me and my brothers go to talk about the serious stuff, but I really wanted our last moment together for a while to be at this spot. I've been waiting for 20 minutes but I told them to meet me at 10:50 and it's 10:45 now. I'm really nervous to see them, I'm not sure what to expect, I wonder if they know about dad or not? I don't know but i'm prepared for the worst. Five minutes later I see Caleb and Edwin walking around the corner. I hand them their coffees and they give me a quick peck on the cheek and sit down beside me. "Hello brothers" I say formally.

"Hey sis what's up?" says Caleb and I look at him now knowing that they don't know and I was planning to tell them... Now. I was expecting them to yell, scream and be upset about not being told, I was thinking about how I was going to tell them but nothing I thought of came out right. They sat there confused by my nervous face. "Are you going to say something Mel' because I would like to say something first if that's okay" says Caleb and I nod my head telling him to continue "I know I haven't called you or anything since the incident or after dad got out and I would like to apologise for that. It was confusing for me, all of the events that occured after that night with all the police visits and mum stuck on the couch, I was getting my life together for our move and it was all so overwhelming and I'm sorry that I left you alone, I am your big brother and that comes with the responsibility of looking after you and Edwin and I haven't been doing that lately so I hope you can forgive me." I'm shocked at what he says and I start to cry, he hugs me. I was going to say something but then Edwin starts talking.

"I think we all need to figure out a way to move on after all that was one of the worst nights of all of our lives, but we're all okay you know and that's what should count, no matter what happens in the next few weeks with the the trial and everything, I know the way I dealt with things wasn't the best way, I buried myself in homework and school stuff, I know Caleb didn't answer his phone and was always out doing something." Edwin finished and then I realised why they didn't know about dad, it's because they've been completely cut off from the world.

"Guy's I need to tell you something about dad." I say and I could tell they knew something was wrong as they looked up at me with worried expressions. "He got out on bail, then that same night he killed himself. I'm so sorry I didn't call or come see yous when I found out but when they told me I thought you'd knew and when neither of you Called I just thought that you needed time to process, cause that's what I did and I realise now that you guys need time too but know that I'll always be here and even if you'd leave tomorrow I'm only a phone call away and make sure you do call!" I say as I see there faces fill up with regret, sadness and I think a hint of relief.

After a long heartfelt conversation we thought we would head to a restaurant for a nice farewell dinner. Me and my brothers are heading in different directions, we're on opposite sides of the country doing different things and I don't know when I will be able to see them again. When the evening came to an end me and my brother's said our goodbyes which were emotional but we managed to part ways on a happy note, I am so grateful that I had this closure with my brothers and that I can stop worrying about them so much!

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