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It's been two days since I've seen either Daniel or Jade. I saw Monique yesterday since she stayed with me, I think she thought I would crack or explode or something because she wouldn't let me out of her sight. I kept telling her I was fine but she insisted on staying with me for at least that night. She went home last night which I was grateful for, I love Monique but she can be infuriating sometimes! I was just heading out of class, I had two lectures today and I'm glad they're over, I know I wanted to be an astrophysicist but it just doesn't interest me anymore, I'm seriously contemplating dropping this class and doing something else. I'm heading home now and getting ready for dinner with Jade, She said she wanted to discuss something serious so I set up dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe It's where we always meet to have dinner. I have a shower, put on some light makeup and dress up nice with my black strapless dress, black cardigan and white heels and am just waiting for Jade to arrive since she said she'll come here so we can both make our reservation and seven. I pass the time by reading the last few pages of the book I have to read for English Lit when the doorbell rings. It was strange because Jade never knocks since she has a key but I get up anyway and go to unlock the door. I pull the door open, I gasp as I see a hooded figure standing in front of me and then suddenly I'm on the floor, it's not Jade, someone's knocked me over and I can tell when my vision goes blurry and I start to get sleepy that I'm going unconscious, the last thing I see before I hit lights out is the floor, he's carrying me over his shoulder down the stairs and outside into the cold breeze that causes a shiver to run down my spine.

I wake up startled, I don't know where I am, I can feel my head pounding and I'm restrained, unable to pull free from the tight embrace that shackles me to the chair. I'm in a empty room, it's hot like it would be if you were stuck underneath a blanket, trapped, unable to breathe. There's no window and only one door, locked up so tight, and I realise I'm confined in this room unable to escape the impending torture that is sure to come. It takes me a while but I notice something, breathing, someone's in here with me, I can't help but sense a certain familiarity about this unknown individual behind me. My heart is pounding, my own fear has invaded every inch of my body and I start to hyperventilate, that doesn't stop me from starting to turn my head slowly in able to allow me a peek into who has taken me captive, but as soon as I start to see a figure, he grabs my head and pulls it so I look straight, "who are you!" I yell fiercely at the top of my lungs, the sound echoed all around the room, making it ten times louder than my highest pitched scream, it made my head spin for a minute but it didn't take long for the noise to subside. I get no reply, "What do you want from me? What did I do to deserve this?" I say slightly lower so it doesn't echo, but he could still tell I was angry beyond words from my clenching teeth and jaw tightening. All I get from him is a sigh, I can smell his cologne and sigh, I know that I know him but how? "What is this about?I've done nothing to deserve this!" I cry out and like a revelation he stands in front of me, NO! "What?" I scream out in anguish. "Daddy?" I let out a breath and continue breathing out, all the air escaping from my lungs with no oxygen able to enter, I can't breathe, how is it possible? He stands there, both arms folding across his chest as a smug look sits on his face. I get my breath back just enough to ask, "how?... how is it? How are you... alive?" I say between breaths. I know without a doubt that it's him, but he's dead, it's impossible yet he's here!

All these questions are running through my head as I stare at him in shock, I don't know what I should be feeling, my dad's alive, he's here, but so much has happened, he abused my mum, he hit my brothers, he did this all in a spit of rage, how can I forgive that, or this? Why would he do this to me? I'm his child, his flesh and blood and he kidnapped me, knocked me out. Why? "Well to answer your first question what I want from you is simple, I want revenge. You sent me to jail and forced me to fake my death which is kind of hard you know with the whole finding someone who looks like me thing and then having to give my kidney to him, did you know that when you donate an organ your DNA can be found in the recipient's body for up to years? Yeah well anyway, it wasn't easy but I did it, it was all worth it, I don't have to go to jail and I get to punish you, your brothers and your poor sweet mother for being disobedient and disrespectful, isn't that a fathers job?" he says and smiles like a psychopath. I couldn't control the tears that ran down my face as he said that, he ran his hand down my cheek and smiled at me than slaps me hard in the face. "AHHH!" I scream out painfully.

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