Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

            The scent of warm milk filled the nursery, but the warmth of his mother’s fur was not there, causing Icekit to rouse from his slumber. He yawned and looked around the nursery, seeing only Daisy cleaning in the far corner. Her eyes shone as she turned to look at him, the sun breaking through the brambles making them look much brighter than normal. “Well good morning, sleepyhead,” she meowed cheerfully. “You know what they say? The early cat catches the mouse! Cinderheart just took your sisters to the fresh-kill pile for the first time. If you hurry you can catch them there.”

            Icekit thanked her and made his way into the stone hollow, watching in awe as the warriors performed their duties. Even though he was much bigger than his sisters he felt quite small next to the seasoned cats that were milling around the camp. Berrynose and Poppyfrost were sharing tongues near Highledge. Dovewing and Ivypool were just entering the camp with fresh kill in their mouths. And Cinderheart was with Lionblaze as they picked out small pieces of prey for Hollykit and Honeykit.

            “Hey Icekit,” some cat called from the warrior’s den. Icekit turned to see Cloudtail emerging from beneath the branches of the fallen tree that made up most of their den. “How about I show you some battle moves? With the size of your paws I can tell already that you are going to be a fearsome warrior. Why not get a head start, right?”

            Icekit shook his head. “Thanks, Cloudtail, but I am already planning on playing with Honeykit and Hollykit after I eat. But another time maybe, okay?” This, of course, was not entirely true. He was planning on playing with his littermates later, but he only just came up with that plan when Cloudtail offered to show him some battle moves.

            Cloudtail trotted past him as he responded. “Sure thing! I’m always willing to help the next generation of strong warriors.” As he passed Icekit he approached a pair of apprentices and started showing them some attack moves. Icekit just rolled his eyes before joining his littermates at the fresh-kill pile.

            Hollykit and Honeykit were sharing a small shrew and had it nearly devoured by the time he had joined them there. Honeykit looked up at him, joy in her eyes and part of the shrew hanging from her mouth. “Isn’t this awesome?” she exclaimed excitedly. “We are out eating with the rest of the clan now! Soon we will be apprentices!”

            Hollykit batted her playfully with her paw as she swallowed her last bite of shrew. “You mousebrain, we are still moons away. We would get our ears torn off if we tried training with the other apprentices.”

            Honeykit swatted her in retaliation, “Not Icekit. He is nearly as big as an apprentice already, which means we will be, too. And I plan on being the best warrior ever! I am going to fight like Lionblaze and hunt like Sandstorm!”

            Icekit laughed at them as he started eating a piece of mouse that Cinderheart put in front of him. “Will you two cut it out? Let’s just enjoy being kits while we can! You want to play tag when we are done eating?”

            Hollykit hopped up onto all four paws and tagged Icekit quickly. “We are starting now! You’re it!” She purred as she ran off with Honeykit hot on her tail.

Icekit purred with amusement as he took quick bites of his mouse, eager to chase his littermates. Suddenly the sun was blocked out and the shadow of a large cat engulfed him. He looked up to see Lionblaze standing above him.

“I know you are anxious to grow up, but eating that fast can only lead to choking on that mouse’s bones, Icekit.” His face showed both humor and concern as he loomed over him. It was easy to see why everyone kept comparing him to his father. His head was shaped exactly like Lionblaze’s, and his muscles were already well defined for a kit. He has that same large paws as well, “great for batting your enemies” as he has been told quite often.

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