Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

            The looks on the faces of every cat when the three of them entered ThunderClan camp was priceless. There were looks of relief that they had made it back safely after the storm, which left quite a bit of ice around the camp still. There were looks of shock that they came into the camp with Breezepelt. And there was the look on Lionblaze’s face, like he couldn’t decide which emotion to show so he tried to show them all.

            “What’s going on here?” Bramblestar asked as he came down to meet them. “Why do you have Breezepelt with you?”

            Jayfeather asked Icepaw to help Breezepelt into the medicine den while he explained everything to Bramblestar. Lionblaze approached them and touched noses with Icepaw.

            “I am glad that you made it back safely,” he said, his wary eyes looking over Breezepelt.

            “Me too!” Icepaw replied happily. “It was an awesome adventure!”

            “Yes, but what is he doing here?” Lionblaze asked.

            Breezepelt responded before Icepaw could. “I’m sorry, Lionblaze. For everything. I have really been nothing but trouble and you have every right not to trust me, but I wanted you to know that I really am sorry.”

            Lionblaze looked at him curiously then shrugged. “Works for me. Let me help you get him to the apprentices den.”

            Icepaw stopped him. “No, we need to get him to the medicine den,”

            Lionblaze motioned towards the den where several cats were working. They were twisting brambles and carrying sticks. “The storm did a number on the medicine den, so Bramblestar decided that we should not only fix it but expand it since both you and Briarlight are staying there with Jayfeather.”

            “That’s great!” Icepaw exclaimed, jumping in excitement and almost knocking Breezepelt over. “Oops! Sorry Breezepelt. Let’s get you comfortable and then I’ll bring you some poppy seeds for the pain.”

            They got Breezepelt settled in the apprentices den and Icepaw had just given him a few poppy seeds to help with the pain and let him sleep when he noticed Bramblestar leaping up to Highledge.

            “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath Highledge for a Clan meeting!" He called out. The cats that were working on the new medicine den put down their sticks and joined everyone else who had already gathered when they saw Bramblestar hop up onto the ledge.

            Jayfeather came to sit beside Icepaw so Icepaw quickly told him about the new den before Bramblestar started. “You deserve it,” he said proudly. Icepaw couldn’t imagine feeling better hearing that praise from Jayfeather.

            “As you all know,” Bramblestar started, “there has been a rogue traveling along the border between ThunderClan and WindClan. This rogue has eaten our prey and caused some unrest amongst us. In fact we almost came to blows with WindClan at the last gathering.”

            There were agreeing murmurs throughout the clan but Bramblestar held his paw up and the discussions quickly stopped. “I have come here to tell you that the rogue is no longer a threat of any kind. After talking with Jayfeather I have decided to forgive him of every act that he has done against us.”

            The crowd began mumbling again, this time Icepaw could hear them saying Breezepelt’s name and looking towards the apprentices den. Bramblestar raised his paw again to try to get the cats to calm down but was having trouble controlling the crowd this time.

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