Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            Icekit sat in front of the nursery, watching Hollykit and Honeykit roughhousing with Bumblestripe. They had repeatedly asked him to join them but he just wasn’t in the mood for it today. It had almost been a week since his punishment, but it seemed like a lifetime. It was bad enough that he couldn’t leave the nursery without supervision, but most of his supervision insisted on him playing ‘attack the ShadowClan invaders’ or ‘sneak into WindClan camp’ or several variations thereof. He played some of the games with them, after all he was destined to become a warrior, but he always played halfheartedly. No cat could tell though seeing that he was much larger than his sisters and able to easily knock them around without even trying.

            Cinderheart, who was sunning herself next to him, nudged at Icekit. “Why don’t you join them, Icekit? You aren’t going to be a kit much longer; you should get as much playtime in as you can.”

            “Don’t remind me,” was the reply that Icekit wanted to give, but he reluctantly nodded and trotted over to join the trio of cats that currently resemble a large, multicolored, furry haystack. He heaved a sigh and put on as bright a face as he could muster. “Got room for one more in there?”

            Bumblestripe was about to speak, though hearing him through the purring and laughter might have been difficult, but instead they were all interrupted from a voice calling from above.

            “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting,” called out Bramblestar as he stood high above the rest of the clan, watching as cats gathered from all areas of the camp. A blur of smoky gray fur rushed past Icekit and into the pile of wrestling kits next to him.

            “Ugh, stop! I look fine!” cried Hollykit as Cinderheart urgently started to groom her. Honeykit tried to escape but Cinderheart had her tail pinned down. Icekit started to laugh but before he knew it a rough tongue was slicking back the white fur on the top of his head.

            “Keep still,” Lionblaze commanded between licks.

            The Apprentice Ceremony! It had to be! He saw the recognition on Hollykit’s and Honeykit’s faces as well, but he did not share in their enthusiasm. “Are you sure I will be made an apprentice today? I am still being punished for leaving camp without permission.”

            Lionblaze’s face gave nothing away as he shrugged. “We’ll find out soon, won’t we?” He gave him one more lick then walked towards the gathering cats with Cinderheart. Hollykit and Honeykit joined Icekit as they made their way forward.

            “Hollykit,” called Bramblestar. She hurried forward as the cats around her steped aside to make a path. “Hollykit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hollypaw.” Icekit noticed that Bramblestar had a hitch in his voice when saying her name, obviously thinking about the cat that he once thought was his daughter. “Your mentor will be Bumblestripe. I hope Bumblestripe will pass down all he knows on to you.”

            Hollypaw looked around for Bumblestripe, who joined her up front when Bramblestar called his name.

“Bumblestripe,” Bramblestar continued, “you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You had received excellent training from Mousewhisker, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and brave. You will be the mentor of Hollypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her.”

Hollypaw nearly jumped in anticipation of touching noses with her new mentor, causing him to purr loudly. She then raised her head proudly to a chorus of “Hollypaw! Hollypaw!” from the cats looking on.

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