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I wrote this in 8th grade and haven't revamped it, so yeah...


He glided down the halls of the dim palace. Even though the palace was peaceful, the lonely howls of the tortured souls could be heard just outside the stone walls of the Black Castle.

Sighing, the Prince shook his head. These souls deserved this punishment. Only those who committed grievous wrongs in life come here, instead of with Arianrod in the land of the Moon. If only they'd stop screaming...

He turned down another corridor when ran into Horace. Literally, he walked right into him.

Horace had been the head of security in Lord Arawn's household as long as anyone could remember, which very well could have been since the dawn of time. He had protected the immortal prince from the day he was created from the elements by Arawn and Anu. Phil's voice pulled the Prince from his musings.

"Lord Emrys! Sorry sire, I didn't you there, forgive me," Horace stammered. Good old Horace, always one to apologize.

The Prince flashed him an easy smile, "Oh no Horace, it was my fault- I can trip over my own feet. We had better hurry... my father has called for a court meeting to take place immediately."

With that, the two men- well, one spirit and one god, really- headed off to the Council Room.


The black doors opened with an over-excessive whine. The crowd turned to see their raven-haired prince with the head guard, Sir Horace, hot on his heels. The room's occupants bowed politely as the prince entered. Wisps of mist swirling through the group solidified into spirits as the Lord of the Underworld's son walked past.

Once Arawn saw that his son had taken his seat, he began. "Lords and ladies of the court, I have horrid news: the Veil has been torn asunder!" Gasps escaped the nobles. "The Cailleach is running herself ragged trying to stop the lost souls. Mortals have been dropping like flies, so I have decided to help. Prince Emrys has volunteered to travel to the Land of the Living to stop this injustice." The room was in an uproar.

At this, the Prince stood. "Don't try to stop me- it is my duty," he declared, "I'm leaving immediately, and I going ALONE!" Several heads fell, many lords wanted to help the royal. Once the Prince was done, he left the council to argue.


Several hours after the meeting, Emrys was standing on the Forbidden Cliffs that shadowed the River of Spirits. A little ways off was a gash in the air that was barker than the stones of the Black Castle. He could feel the spirits draw towards him, ready to do his will. 'Here goes nothing!' he thought as he entered the rift.


Morgana awoke to something colder than ice passing over her. Peeling her eyes open, she saw the Cailleach and a cloaked man deep in conversation. She could feel the power rolling off this stranger, and was... intoxicating.

"-your help, Lord Emrys," she heard the lady say.

"It is my duty and honor. And now," He stated while turning to Morgana, "to deal with the witch."

His voice was deep and rumbling, it reminded her of a dragon. Now she knew who this was. The son of death. Prince of the underworld. He was in every way what she imagined Emrys, Son of the Dead, to be like. A small squeak escaped her throat as she looked upon the god who held her fate in his hand.


That's a wrap for the first chapter. Hope it was better.

Arawn- God of the underworld, terror, revenge, and war

Arianrod- Her ship, Oar Wheel, carried dead warriors to Emania (Moon-land)

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