"We Were"

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" We need to talk " said Abhi standing in front of Pragya blocking her way to the class.

" I have no interest in talking to you. Just leave my way " said Pragya ignoring him.

" Stay her out of this. Its only between you and me. " said he annoyed when she had few step away from him.

" There's nothing between you and me, Abhishek Mehra. And never will be " Pragya turned to him and replied in an acid like tone.

"It's not my fault that you fell for me. I never said that I had feelings for you " he was getting frustrated by now.

" Believe me...!! I never regretted anything in my life as I regret that " said Pragya coldly and left from there.

Abhi ran his hand through his hair cursing loudly. He never felt on edge with anyone except her. Her words repeated in his mind and he shut his eyes feeling pain in his heart. But why her words affect him like this he never knows.

" What happens, Baby..?? " a voice startled him and his expression change into soft one.

" Nothing Tanu, Everything is good. " said he with a little smile.

" Okay....!!Btw I am hungry. " said she with a pout and his smile widened.

" Then let's get you to eat something " he grabbed her hand in his and headed towards canteen leaving all those thoughts of a particular girl in the back of his mind.


A sob escaped from her as soon as she entered in an empty classroom. Why she felt this much vulnerable whenever he mentioned it. Why she told him how she felt about him. Why.......!!!!!!!!!!!

" Because you thought, he too loves you like you do " said his inner voice in a pity tone.

" Did...!!! I did love him. But not anymore....!! It was very stupid of me to fell for a jerk like him. But now I resent him with every cell in my body " said she with confidence ignoring the chuckling sound of her inner voice.

She wipes her tears with the back of his hand and took a deep breath.

" You made fun of my love , right...!!! You just wait and see how are you going to pay for it. You just wait and see...!! " said she with determination.


It's been a week that he saw her. Last time he saw her when they had a fight and she was pissed at him. Actually pissed was just an understatement I think. But he is feeling damn anxious to where she dissapeared all of a sudden. She never missed a class and here she is missing college for a week. She is fierce as hell but she is very sincere when it comes to studying. So where is she now..??

Is she alright...??

Why should I care...!!!!

She was your best friend abhi. Why don't you care...??

Yaa but she crossed the boundary when she declare her undying love for me. I hate her for ruining our friendship like that.

Do you really hate her..??

Ahhh....!! Stop it. I don't want to think about her.

He was sitting in his room holding his head in his hand. Don't know why he kept getting irritated on everyone. Hell...!! He even yelled at Tanu. His eyes kept wandering throughout the campus all the time to get a glimpse of her. To see if she is ok or not. He shut his eyes frustrated.

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