👑 Bang Chan

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✴ Neglected Boyfriend ✴

"Why didn't you pick me up?"

You asked your boyfriend as soon as you saw him in school.

He didn't pick you up from your house earlier and it totally surprised you.

Because for the past two years of your relationship, this is the first time that he didn't show up to send you to school.

You're not a clingy girlfriend like any other typical girl, but you are still curious and rather worried that something bad has happened, hence he didn't make it.

Bang Chan, your boyfriend for almost three years, gives you a cold look before stuffing his hands inside his pocket.

"I've got some things to finish."

He nonchalantly answered.

You pursed your lips after hearing him.

Okay, maybe he's just too busy. That's why he didn't show up earlier. Yeah, that's right. That's probably it.

You tried convincing yourself as you followed Chan into your room.

The two of you were actually classmates in middle school. And up until now, when you are already in your last year of high school, you are still classmates.

And it is where it all started.

The two of you have been close ever since childhood. You started hanging out together and eventually became best friends.

As time passed, the connection between the two of you grew, and soon enough, Chan confessed to you and asked you to be his girlfriend. And since you love him too, without thinking twice, you immediately said yes.

You snapped out of your train of thoughts when someone bumped you.

"I'm sorry!"

You bowed in panic, afraid that you had bumped into a teacher.

"It's oka---Oh! Y/N!"

You looked up and sighed in relief when you saw that it was just Jungkook, your project partner.

"Hey, Jeon."

"Stop calling me by my last name. You sound so formal. Jungkook

will do."

Jungkook said with a chuckle.

You smile at him and are about to ask another question when you remember that Chan is also with you.

"Oh! I'm going to introduce you to my boyfriend!"

But your excitement faded when you saw Chan talking animatedly with his friends.

He didn't even bother telling you that he was already leaving.

Jungkook saw your disappointed look, so he immediately understood what was wrong.

"A-Ah. Why don't we just talk about how to finish our project?"

He asked, touching your elbow in the process to make you look at him.


You answered lowly with a small smile.

"Repeat it again."

Chan ordered coldly as he gave you a slightly annoyed look.

You nod your head as you try to practice the part he keeps on pointing out to you.

It's Physical Education time, and your teacher asked you to be in four groups. Those groups need to prepare some dance numbers for the up-coming graduation.

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