👑 Yang Jeongin

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✴ Tutor ✴

Jeongin sighed for the ninth time around.

Exams are next week and he still can't get a grip on himself. He needs to study, but the constant practice of his group prevents him from doing so.

He knew that learning was important too.

Aside from being a singer, he also wants to achieve something in the academic section.

Jeongin was in a dilemma when Jisung, his roommate and bandmate, entered.

"Jeonginie, are you alright?"

The elderly asked.

"Hyung, I can't focus on my studies! The exams are just around the corner. I think I'm going to fail because of all the lessons that I missed. "

Jeongin rambled with a miserable look.

Jisung gave him a sympathetic look. He understood their maknae. Being a trainee and a student is a very hard task. It's frustrating and depressing.

A light bulb appeared on Jisung's head.

"Hey, my friend has a sister. She's also studying at your school. He said she's really smart and tops the rankings."

He blurted out, and Jeongin looked at him in interest.

"Really? What's her name? Do you think she'll help me?"

Jeongin hopefully asked.

He's really desperate to pass the exams. He needs to in order to graduate.

"Well, I heard her name....."

Jisung thought for a bit.

"Ah, I forgot her name. But I'm sure she's going to help you. I'm going to talk to my friend first though."

Jeongin broke into his famous gummy smile.

"Thanks, Hyung."

He beamed, and Jisung ruffled his already messy hair.

Jeongin nervously looked around the library with a lot of books in hand.

He was about to meet that smart girl his hyung is talking about. Jisung said that she's going to be his new tutor and they are going to meet in the school's library.

To be honest, Jeongin liked the idea of them having the tutorial session in the library. It's all because of a certain someone.

His crush, who always studies at the library.

He often saw her walking around the place, skimming for books. Jeongin finds her so pretty not just because of her looks but also because of her industriousness.

She always studies, even during a lunch break. Even if you can see the tiredness in her face, she still chooses to work hard. And Jeongin admired her for that.

He somehow saw himself in her.

He was working diligently just to perfect his skills so that JYP would stop calling him an amateur. He wants to show them that he can be more than an amateur.

Jeongin's energy slightly dropped when he saw that his crush was nowhere to be seen. His eyebrows met because of her unusual absence from the place.

Is she absent?

He thought as he plopped down in the seat his crush always occupied.

The mood suddenly turned gloomy because of her absence. Jeongin likes going here during breaks just to see her, but now she's not here.

Stray Kids ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora