Taking Secret Pics On My Cellular Phone

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It's been nearly a month since you were at Charlie's. Today was Saturday and you were at Danny's house. You, Danny and Matt were having a TV marathon all day. It was getting close to 7pm and you were staying the night at Danny's.

You all gossiped and laughed and messed around for a vast majority of the marathon. It was such good fun. "Ummm.... Mister Danny boy, I'm so damn hungry." Matt said whilst pulling a sad face and slapping your stomach. "Oh shit lets get pizza!" Danny cheered. You all agreed and Danny took the order and went to call the pizza place. You checked your phone and was messaging Jorel.

J: Hey y/n.
Y/N: Hey JJ.
J: its so boring :(
Y/N: Huh?
J: I'm at dinner with my parents :,(
Y/N: awww tragic XD
J: don't laugh at my pain XD
Y/N: Well... how do I help with this boredom J?
J: Well I won't see you until Monday so... I have an idea.
J: If you're up for it ;)

You lowkey panicked. You felt butterflies and you felt shakey. You excused yourself to Danny's bathroom. You shut the door and replied to J.

Y/N: And what is this idea then J?
J: send me soemthing.
Y/N: ...qlsksldnwowbh
J: nice try.
J: I meant like a picture silly.

Butterflies were now raging inside of you. You had never sent an explicit picture before. You trusted J immensely and he has already seen you half naked so it wasn't like it was his first time seeing your body.

You opened your camera and took your shirt off revealing your bare skin and your f/c bra. You found a good pose and took the picture. Suddenly a loud knocking was on the other side of the door. "Hey girly Im off!" Said Matt. You said goodbye and put your shirt back on.

You sent the picture.

You joined Danny and began to devour a rather large pizza together. "How you finding school?" He asked. "Oh its alright you know... its school!" You shrugged. "Well it's more fun now you're with us." He winked. You both burst into laughter. Your phone buzzed. You looked down at it.

J: Did I scare you off :(
Y/N: What?
J: Its okay if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you.
Y/N: I did it didn't I?
J: I haven't had anything :/

You could've sworn you sent it to J.




J3T: Well that's a way to start a convo. I take it that was meant for someone else.

Oh god! Nooooooo! You sent it to the wrong person. You sent an explicit pic to one of your best friends instead of your boyfriend.

J3T: Don't worry y/n I will forget it ever happened. I won't show anyone at all it's all cool.

You felt partially relieved by his reassurance. But you were in shock nonetheless. Your phone buzzed again but you didn't recognise the number...

?: You know I've always wondered if J was a good kisser or not. I guess I should've asked you XD


A/N: OOOOOHHHHHH GIIIIIRRRRLLLLL :O I can't wait to get deeper into the story with y'all. Ya sent it to the wrong person. Tut tut tut. :* ♡♡♡

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