Hold My Tongue

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A/n: 7k reads? Oh my gooooshhh thank you i honestly appreciate every single one of you <3 love you all x

You were recovering nicely. You'd bonded with Chase and you were inseparable. Jorel and you were steadily rebuilding your relationship. Everything was picture perfect. "Should we go out somewhere? Just the two of us?" Asked jorel. You thought about it heavily. "But what about chase?" You asked thinking of the obvious obstacle you had to jump over in order to get any alone time. "Babysitters exist." He said simply and smirked. You'd both agreed to call a babysitter. As you layed in the hotel room you watched Jorel play with your child. "Bubububu... Aaahhh bubububu." He played as he tickled the living daylights out of his son. You decided it was time to get ready.

As you were in the bathroom applying your makeup, you heard a knocking on the door. "That must be the babysitter." said Jorel as he opened the door. You shut the bathroom door because you weren't decent and you didnt want a stranger to see your body. You heard a very soft melodic voice speak through the door. The babysitter was a young platinum blonde girl. She was very pretty. "So... You're a single dad?" She assumed. "Oh no I'm not. I have his mom to help." He said. Jorel didnt imply you were a couple. As you walked out of the bathroom, the young babysitter was drawn to you. "Oh you must be Chases mum? I'm Sydney." You gave her a handshake and a fake smile. "Ready to go?" You asked Jorel in an attempt to get his attention. He got up and grabbed his wallet and jacket. "Back soon baby boy. Love you!" He spoke as he left the room. "She seems nice." He said as he put the room key in his pocket. You rolled your eyes.

As you walked out of the corridor and the reception, Jorel was gazing at you. "What?" You asked. You were wearing a simple black spaghetti strap dress with a pair of black platform heels and a faux leather jacket. "Jorel?" You asked impatient. "Huh? What?" He said as he came back into earth. "Why are you staring at me?" You asked laughing softly. "Because every time i see you, its like you get even more breathtaking than you already were, if thats even possible." You blushed. He had such a way with words and you loved it.

You both began to walk to find a place to go get drinks. You slipped your arm through a gap between J's arm and his body. Everything about this night reminded you of when you first got together. Feeling that joyus feeling, floating on a cloud of love. Feeling so much happier than ever. You were in paradise, every time you were with him. You hoped it lasted for ever. "hey um how about here?" asked J. It was the same place you drank yourself into oblivion when J left. You wanted to be brave and say that it was fine. "yeah this place is nice" you felt a familiar nervous vibe run through your stomach as you headed through the doors. "are you sure this place is okay?" asked Jorel as he held the door for you. "it'll be fine I promise." You smiled. You weren't sure if you'd be okay or not. The two of you found a table and Jorel got up to oder drinks. As you sat at the table, you felt your hands numbing. "shit" you mumbled to yourself as your eyes started darting around the place. The bright neon lights, loud noises from game machines, laughs from children and clinks from glasses slowly penetrated your ear drums louder and louder.

"I didn't know what else you woulda wanted so I got you a jack and cola." he said in the most californian way possible. "thanks babe." You smiled as you looked down into the seemingly bottomless drink. You tried to calm your nerves. "I can't wait until Chase grows up, he can come here and have the most fun." Jorel said smiling as he looked around in amusement. His arm was extended on the table, without hesitation you delicately placed your hand on his and gripped. He looked at you immediately." everything okay?" you smiled at him. "you know, when I first met you, I was almost sure I'd hate you. I thought we would be enemies, but you are the love of my life." you said softly. Jorel blushed and smiled. "you were hot from day one." you both started laughing.

All the stresses of the night were forgotten about when you and him just spoke. It's like his voice could soothe you. "I feel like I owe you an apology." You started. "see I've been thinking, I've put you through so much shit. I know how much of a toll it's taken on me but you? This must've been killing you. For all the self harm hospitalisation and the suicide attempts, you just stayed with me. I am so grateful for you. I am so sorry that I put you through all this. I love you Jorel. " your speach left him speach less. Or so you thought. He looked at you. "well I am glad, cuz I was gonna-" he cut himself off. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to come on tour with us. We fly in 2 days." he said. With no hesitation you agreed. "was that all you were gonna say?" you asked. He shook his head. "no but the other stuff can wait a while." he smiled. You both continued to laugh and drink and bask in each others company.

Now comes a new chapter in you life with him.

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