We leave the past behind

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Your flight landed and you and J headed to baggage reclaim. "J...We flew here... We got off the plane... We are getting our bags but... what the fuck do we do now?" You asked panicking. Jorel grabbed your shoulders and slid his hands down to your waist pulling you closer to him in a sweet embrace. "Look. We just get a hotel somewhere. Anywhere. It doesnt matter. What matters is we are together and no one can tear us apart." He said smiling and holding you tight.

You felt reassured by his words.

He pulled you towards a desk that was tourist information. He spoke with the lady and was given a few maps of London. Your phone began to ring: Dad. You declined the call and felt proud of yourself. You finally had the courage to stand up to authority.
"Alright. We can stay in a Premier Inn in London city or we can get a cab to a train station and travel somewhere else... you okay?" He said grabbing your hand. "Yeah I'm fine. My dad just called." You said looking at your phone. "You declined it right?" He blurted out. "Yeah yeah ofcourse I did!" You said.

You hooked arms with him and walked out of the airport and headed towards a taxi bay. You and J loaded your stuff into the cab and asked the driver to take you to the nearest train station. "Here you go." The driver said as he stopped outside a brown brick building. You both got out the cab and entered the station. It was crowded. There were people everywhere. Most of the people were commuters as it was incredibly early in the morning.

On the black LED board were names of stations across Britain. Chelmsford, Manchester, Sheffield, Kent, so many places for you and Jorel to go. A train arrived at a platform closest to you. "Where would you like to go?" Asked the ticket administer. "Umm... where does that train go?" You asked pointing at the newly arrived train. "Sheffield." The lady stated. "We will go there." You said. J nodded and handed the lady money for the tickets. "Two tickets to Sheffield. There you go. Enjoy your journey." She said handing you the tickets.

The train was empty and clean. The seats were fabric material and were extremely cushioned. "What do we do if the guys call?" You asked J as he was on his phone. "I've messaged them stating exactly what happened. They are happy for us. It's all cool." He smiled. The last remaining passengers boarded the train and the doors came to a close. A voice spoke over the trains speakers. "This is a Virgin Train to Sheffield. The journey will take 4 hours." The woman spoke firmly.

"Hey we should use this time to book a hotel. Its 8am now so by the time we get there it'll be 12 and we may be able to check in." You suggested. J agreed and looked up hotels in Sheffield.

You were worried that you hadn't thought this through too well. How will you afford your basic living needs? How will you find work? What about everyone at home?

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