Holding On So Tightly Now

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"Oh chase its okay daddy is here, my boy." Said Jorel as he rolled out of bed. "Oh my baby boy whats the matter? Oh are you hungry?" He scooped up Chase into his arms. "There you go my boy." He sat on the bed with the bottle of baby milk he prepared. Chase refused the bottle. "Well you dont need changing. Wanna go for a walk?" He carefully laid chase in his stroller. They left the hotel. As Jorel began to walk, Chase began to cry again. "Aww baby boy. I know I know... you want mommy dont ya? Me too." Jorel looked at your little boy in the eyes. At only 4 days old, he knew everything he needed and wanted.

He headed back into the hotel room. He began to pack a bag of baby stuff. Blankets, diapers, pacifiers ect. "Lets go see mommy then boy." Said Jorel. He called for a cab to take them to the hospital.

Once they arrived, Jorel headed straight for the elevator. He looked around intently to see if they had moved you. They had not. "Chase here she is! Here she is!" Said Jorel in his little baby voice. "Oh hi my baby!" You said as your face lit up with happiness and love. "I didnt expect to see you." You said to Jorel as he picked up chase and handed him to you.

"Are you kidding? You are the love of my life y/n. You are the most beautiful, kind and deserving person. How could i possibly leave you here. Alone?" You felt tears come in to your eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you yesterday. I am still just in so much shock." You said looking at his feet. "Don't be sorry. Please. There is nothing for you to be sorry about." He sat next to you on the bed. "Look at me." He said pulling your chin upwards so you faced him. You looked him in the eyes, in such a guilty way. You just felt like you had to be sorry about everything. "You mean the world to me y/n." He guided your face closer to his. You felt his lips softly press against yours in a way which gave a kiss much more meaning. It felt as if he said 'sorry', 'i love you' and 'never leave me' all at once. You didnt want it to end. It brought back all the memories of when you shared your first kiss. That night at Charlie's when you were in the kitchen. When you were soaking wet but showed up to his house. All those vivid memories. All the ones you cherished so dearly brought back in a split second.

You never knew it before. You are truly in love.

As he pulled away you looked at him. Your lips ached for the sensation once more but you knew it wouldnt feel the same. Or maybe it would but you didnt want to risk it. "Miss L/N. I've had word from the doctor whom is overseeing you. You are granted permission to be discharged from our care. It seems all of your injuries have healed nicely. We will see you back here in 2 weeks for another set of stitches and care on the wound. We are however, referring you to a mental health service. This will help you recover from the traumatic incident. We wish you all the best."

And with those words, you, the love of your life and your son, left the hospital. The happiest little family imaginable.

A/N: 6K reads? Wow what did i do to deserve this? Honestly such a joy. This is more than story writing. You all feel like my family. Thank you all so much. It's so wonderful. Thank you. I cant thank you enough. Oh gosh this is getting emotional. Thank you, i love you all ♡♡♡

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