~Vizoreds & Captains; Frenemies~

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Shinji Hirako POV

I was walking to the meeting room where a meeting had been called. When I got there I saw that evil treacherous bastard, Aizen Sousuke, there chatting with Toshiro, Jushiro, and a blonde that was clinging to him.

'Who is that?' I thought to myself when I saw the blonde just watching both of them talk and talked to them a few times before looking at me slightly surprised and then hid behind Aizen quickly while peeking to look at me cautiously.

The rest of the Vizoreds walked in and were about to Hollowfy while having their Zanpakutos pointed at Aizen until Hiyori stood defensively in front of Aizen and the blonde while already Hollowfied.

"Hiyori?" I said to her in surprise. "I am not going to let any of you guys hurt him and them. We need to talk since we are in a very dangerous and serious situation right now." She said to all of us. The blonde came out a little more from behind Aizen and then wrapped his arms around him while looking at us with a small frown.

"Great. More boring lectures and waiting for the other Captain Classes. We will probably have to use a Bakudo on Momo to keep her from strangling him. That would be funny." I said in annoyance.

When I said the last two sentences, the blonde only wrapped his arms even more around Aizen and looked at me with a protective glare. "Uh, would you mind not glaring at me, kid. It is kinda awkward, especially when I do not know why I am being glared at." I said to him while sweatdropping.

"I will not let that Momo or anyone else lay a single finger on Aizen if it means they want to hurt him." He responded a little harshly and coldly. "Jeesh. It is not like she would be able to do that without getting attacked by his little bodyguards." I said while referring to the Gin, Kaname, and the Arrancars.

I heard him growl a little and held Aizen closer to himself. "Larcade, I can handle this on my own. Please do not interfere in this." He said to the blonde gently.

I am assuming his name was Larcade since he immediately stopped and said, "Alright." And kept on holding him close and looked at me cautiously. I went and sat down on the opposite side of the room.

Larcade sat next to Aizen but still had that protective look in his eyes. "Weird kid." I muttered. "You know I can still hear you." He said to me while sweatdropping.

"Does it look like I care?" I asked him sarcastically. He frowned at me and then his arm got covered with pitch-black scales and sharp claw-like fingers which slightly surprised me and was about to do something, but then Aizen grabbed his wrist and put it down.

Larcade looked at him and Aizen shook his head as if telling him something. Larcade sighed and nodded a bit before making his arm back to normal and kept on looking at me with a frown as if saying, 'I will get you next time.'

Then Hiyori kicked me in the face, again. I looked at her with a 💢 expression and said, "Why do you keep on kicking me in the face so much?!"

"Shut up, Stupid Shinji! And stop provoking Larcade!" She yelled back at me. I sighed and muttered, "Whatever." In a very quiet tone so no one will hear me, but then I sweatdropped when Larcade said, "I can still hear you so don't you say 'whatever' to my childhood friend Hiyori!" Before kicking me in the face too hard as well and then sat back next to Aizen.

"Stop kicking me in my face!" I yelled before lunging at them. They both hid behind Aizen.

I had a 💢 expression when Aizen grabbed my face and said, "Just leave them alone already." Both Larcade and Hiyori were just peeking over his shoulders to look at me.

I took the chance to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I was sent flying and hit a wall when both blondes kicked me too hard, Hiyori kicked me in the face and Larcade kicked me in my stomach while yelling in unison, "How dare you kick Aizen, you Stupid Shinji?!"

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