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"Dare." I challenged my best friend, her dangerous and tantalizing grey eyes reflecting my own. Her blonde hair was messy and tangled, just like the game we were playing. The last dare I did was exposing my ex's pictures over the social media. Pictures of him and another girl, saliva practically everywhere. Revenge for how he cheated on me. The jerk deserved it. Kat's plump lips grew with each silent passing second.

"I dare you to break into your neighbor's house." My chest felt hot, my neighbor to my left was Jake Stackers. He was a football player in our school and he was reasonably hot. I smirked. This was too good to not pass up, pulling off my jacket and pulling up my skirt, I stood up.

"Easy." I shrugged, my voice filled with confidence as I fixed the collar of my blouse. I turned about to climb out my window and into his home before Kat leaped forward like a frog to a fly, her hand clasping onto mine. I turned, my brows lifted in amusement of her hurried grasp.

"I don't mean him. I mean her." Kat and Liana looked to the right of my house, towards her house. Kacy Stewards, the girl next door. I sighed, looking at Kat with my well-known look filled to the brim with irritation.

"I mean, if you don't want to -"

"I do - I will." I sighed and put my jacket on, zipping it up to cover my exposed cleavage and pulling back down my skirt as I ran down my stairs taking two steps at a time,"I hate life." I singed lightly under my breath. 

Soon, Kat and Liana were in step behind me as I crept up to Stewards home. Her house was an elegant 3 story, complete with black and white in a beautiful balance. Her house was gorgeous from the outside and I bet it was even more delightful in the inside. Our neighborhood was rich. I was rich and I heard that Stacy's parents attend parties and meets every night until like 3-4 in the morning so I was good. 

I made my first attempt on her tall wooden front door, but it was locked. Then I tried her back door which was also locked leading me to the conclusion of going in through her window. This was supposed to be Jake's window. I climbed the gorgeous rose-filled vine tapestry on the side of her house, the green dew staining my fingers. I hissed as thorns prickled my fingers, taking teensy drops of blood. Liana giggled from below as she loudly whispered up at me, "Give her a kiss for me."

I puffed loudly, looking down at her with a disgusted appeal making her laugh even more. I shook my head as I reached up, my fingers finding cold steel. Why was I even friends with them? I pushed her window up and to my satisfaction, it was open. I looked down, my eyes finding Kat's as she gave me an eager thumbs up. I rolled my eyes at her strange and creepy enthusiasm.

I climbed into the window, my green and red fingerprints staining her window sill. I jumped in a complete dark room. I fumbled around for the wall almost slipping on something sticky and hot on the floor. My hands searched the wall foolishly for a light before I found a switch and the room was soon bright.

I turned, almost screaming at what I saw. I gasped, stumbling back and almsot falling out the window. Blood splattered on the walls, spilling all over the floor. My foot was covered in blood, Kacy Steward's dead body on the floor. I felt nauseous, feeling myself gag as I turned quickly around, my dinner coming back out her window. I heard frightened gasps from the girls as Kat hissed angrily at me, "what the hell, Marie?!"

"Kat." I cried, my voice choked out as more vomit recede out, "Kat, get up here now". I demanded, my voice serious and pleading. Kat looked at the vines hesitantly before finally giving in to my begging look. As soon as her face popped up and she had a clear view of the room she almost fell off before her hand got caught in the vines, dangling from just her hand. She stifled a pained cry, rose thorns pressing into her skin as she hoisted herself back up and into the room.

"Oh my god, Marie. Your fingerprints are on the window!"

"Your blood is here!" I hissed back. Fear overtook my body, thoughts and questions circulating in my head. How was this happening? Why me? Why now? Why me? Why me? Why me?

They'll believe me right? Am I going to go to jail? I found myself anxiously giving in to the habit of biting my nails until I was down to my skin.

"What are we going to do?" Kat whispered, her voice cracking as hot tears flushed down her cheeks.

"Help me clean everything up. " I hissed in a rushed tone, we called Liana up her and after a few minutes of her also throwing up and sobbing, we got a bunch of alcohol, oxi-clean spray, and some towels as we desperately worked on cleaning up the blood. After that, Liana threw the towels into a shredder in my house as we scrubbed away the remaining stains on the walls and my fingerprints, including the blood on the vines which Kat did half the time, looking for spots of any remaining of our blood.

"What about the body?" Liana's panicked voice made me tense. What were we gonna do with the body? We couldn't hide it in a wall. We definitely couldn't burn it, it would be too hard to clean up the ashes. After going through all my choices, I stood up, my legs almsot giving out under me. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, pounding against my rib like a monster trying to get out of it's cage.

Humans can be monsters, but sometimes it's the monster inside of us that need taming.

But mine was not tamed. If it was, I would've turned myself in although it wasn't me.  Nobody would've believed me. I broke into her house anyways. It was jail any other way. I am foolish for what I'm about to say, stupid and conceited. My nails were stuffed in my mouth as I stared at my two best friends since as long as I can remember.

"How do you guys feel about running away?"

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