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It was like the air got rotten. Not like a corpse kind of rotten. A rotten heart, one that is conceited and guided by guilt. He was heartbroken as he stared at us, murder in his eyes.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wasn't afraid to show it. I didn't want to hide anymore, I didn't want to be this person who I am. I don't want to be guided by guilt.

Although I didn't drive the bullet in Kacy Stewards chest, I drove a hole through her families heart. I was gonna keep them from the truth and let them be guided by lies. I covered my mouth, I didn't want to be here anymore.

I deserved every ounce of anger that Jackson would pin towards me, I deserve to be killed.

I figured for him to tackle us an send us to the police station but he only stood there. His torso rose up and down furiously like a machine.

Suddenly, sirens were loud. Flashes of red and blue flashed against our bodies in the dark. Immediately like the flutter of a heart Jackson tackled us all to the ground, us all stumbling down a steep ditch.

I stabbed my fingers into the wall of the mud ditch, my nails filling with moss and filth to stop me from going down so fast. I could feel the rocks scraping against my skin, pulling it and I could already feel the blood. I pulled away, bodies throwing against bodies before we were fully all deep into the mud.

It was above my waist before Jackson grabbed me, his face unclear as mud shielded my vision, "Take a deep breath." I sucked in before he pulled me under, I kept my eyes tightly shut as his hands were firm against my shoulders.

All of a sudden, my mind panicked. Was he gonna keep me here as revenge? Was he going to suffocate me? I squirmed under his grip, my feet kicking his stomach but he hugged my small frame to his body. My forehead lay against his chest and it took every ounce of dignity in me not to bite him. Mud was traveling up my skirt.

This was uncomfortable in so many ways. After another few seconds, he brings me up as I greedily suck in oxygen, tasting a hint of mud. I pulled the mud away from my eyes to see Jackson frowning at me. Guess I still got some strength in me. From the way he walked through the mud, I could tell his ribs throbbed from my kicks.

"I wasn't going to kill you," he said as the others came up as well. He looked back at me as he admitted, "I know you didn't kill her. Just like how we didn't kill him." I knew who he was talking about. The body they had as well. Liana sprung up, spluttering mud from her mouth as she held Kacy in her arms bridal-style.

"Shush!" I hissed, looking up to see the lights of the police. This was so not good. We followed Jackson into the old train tunnel, treading through the mud. I felt things rub against my feet, my eyes widening greatly.

I was so not dying like this, "Jackson. There's something in the mud." I whispered, Kat came up behind me, her eyes red and puffy with her hair shaggy and wild. She definitely didn't look like a model now.

"You felt it too?" I nodded solemnly before Jackson stopped abruptly. He felt it. He paused so still it made me believe he wasn't human at all,"hey." Kat wavered. Jackson shushed her, making her lips pull down in a scowl. She hated not having the attention.

He turned around as slow as he could, locking eyes with Karan and Christopher, he thought for a second before finally announcing what he was thinking, "put the girls on your shoulders."

We froze as Karan and Chris looked at us as if asking permission.

"Fine with me." Liana went behind Karan and climbed onto his shoulders as Kat did too Christopher. Jackson looked at me waiting patiently for me to co-operate.

"If you think I'm climbing on your shoulders with a skirt on you must be in crack."

"Do you want to be pulled under the mud and dragged away by whatever's down here?"

"No" I mumbled. I hated how vulnerable and childish I seemed right now. Liana and Kat stared at the two of us as I sighed and jumped on his back. His hands gripped onto my thighs, my nerves bouncing around as he hoisted me onto his shoulders. I pulled my skirt down as he walked with no visible effort.

Someone worked out. Liana was pretty small so Karan had no trouble and Chris was absurdly well-built so it was hard to doubt he put it effort at all.

After the last hour, he was really doing this so he we could be safe? I smiled at the thought. He held onto the skin right above my knee so as to not fall, sending shivers. I was thankful that my flushed face was coated in mud that was currently drying into a mask.

Jackson flinched and I could tell he felt it again. There were two things going through my mind. That there were multiple of these things down here, or they were circling us.

In this scenario, it was probably both, "What do you think it could be?" I whispered to him. His shoulders rose with a heavy sigh.

"Just because I'm keeping you from harm, doesn't mean we're friends. I know girls like you, drop the fake act."

I was shocked for a second, it stabbing needles in my heart. But I deserved it, every ounce of it. But I wasn't making any 'act'. I sighed, suddenly taking back the thought he was actually a thoughtful guy. I turned to see Karan with Liana on his shoulders and Kacy in his arms. He was in the very back, treading slowly and we weren't giving him a second thought.

"Hey slow down." I said, tapping his shoulders.

"Don't tell me what to do." He snapped.

"Listen to me. You're leaving behind a friend, who may I add has my friend and your dead sister. Slow - down." 

He listened, his face seething hot red. I leaned over to see tears falling. Maybe I shouldn't have added the 'dead sister' part. I really wasn't having a good weekend.

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