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All around me was endless woods. I stopped, chills running down my spine prickling my eyes.

I suddenly wanted to be next to Jackson again. He was warm and I felt safe with him. Tears started to prick at my eyes, falling down as I looked around at the complete emptiness. All I could hear were the birds singing and the whistle of the wind shaking the branches of the trees but it didn't seem to calm me.

I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to hear the voices of my friends and a relaxing sound of a crackling fire. The warmth of the fire on my hypothermic body.

Even my tears were freezing against the side of my eyes. I turned around, ready to go back. My brows furrowed. Where was 'back'?  I felt my body go numb and it wasn't from the cold either.

I could feel the strange feeling of foreboding in my chest. I felt like calling the police but that wouldn't be smart. I was not making a lot of smart choices today.


( Ameliana )

I took a clump of my ginger hair. Except instead of its usual red colour, it was a vile brown colour from the mud.

We made a small fire at the brink of the woods so the smoke would be blocked by the trees. It kind of worked, but from far away we doubted anybody would be able to see the small strands of smoke that escaped through every few seconds.

Everyone talked, throwing sticks in the fire to see who's would make it flicker the hottest. I continued to stare down the path Marie took. After being one of her best friends for more than 10 years, she would be coming back by now but she hasn't.

The woods continued to be silent and unmoving. I started to worry, considering going back for her but she was probably sitting down and thinking like she always does.

Yeah, thinking about how lost and helpless she is. She's probably half way dead by now.

A voice conveyed. I frowned, finally standing up, "I'm going to go look for her if anyone wants to come." I looked at Jackson especially. They needed to cool it down with each other. Although me and Kat were a part of it, he seemed to pin everything on Marie which I was not happy about.

He looked at me, his eyes looking straight through mine, knowing my intentions. He looked back down, not saying anything. My lips curled into a sneer as I grabbed him by his shoulder, my thumb pressing into his collar bone. He bellowed, shrinking down before shoving my hand away in a hostile manner.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" He groaned, holding his shoulder in visible pain, "What was that for?"

"You know what it was for. Let's go." I snapped. He looked at me, hatred and annoyance swirling in his eyes as he got up with an angry puff, "Stop being a whiny giraffe and let's go." I snapped once again.

I grabbed his hand, giving it a strong grip before I pulled him off the ground and we walked the way Marie went.

Jackson traveled sharp behind me, his eyes staring at his feet although he knew where I was and how close he was supposed to be. After a few moments of comfortable silence, his deep voice broke straight through it, "Why'd you bring me? Why not Kat?"

"First of all, it's Katherine to you. Only me and Marie can call her Kat and second, because you guys have to settle the quarrel between you two."

"I have a good reason." He replied, his voice choleric and spitting with poison. I felt unsafe near him. Maybe Kat should've tagged along as well.

"You don't seem as angry with us. We were a part of it too."

He said nothing and the silence returned once more. I didn't press him, not wanting to make matters worse. Maybe it was personal. After a few more minutes we started calling her name.

I didn't know what I'd do if she was lost. I don't know what she'd do! Actually I do. She was always the dramatic one in the group. She's probably gonna stop somewhere and think about all the things she's done wrong and how she regrets doing this.

( Marionette)

I sat down thinking about all the things I'd done wrong and how I was seriously regretting everything right now.

I shook my head in my hands, I didn't want to be in the woods. The shadows beyond the trees formed monsters and fear took over my body.

My hands shook against my forehead, my heart aching for someone to save me from myself. Suddenly, freezing hands wrapped around my shoulders and yanked me back, pulling on my bone in the hurtful process.

I reflexively screamed as the hands covered my mouth, skinny, white, boney hands that tracked like mud and rot.

It pulled me onto my back, the figures long blonde hair hanging over me. My eyes widened as murderous blue eyes stared back at me, eyes so blue and cold they could slice right through the silence of the woods.

Familiar eyes set on me, eyes that I knew were going to start appearing in my nightmares.


( Katherine )

I couldn't help but feel this strange feeling drifting in the air. Like something wasn't right. Everything wasn't right I guess.

We're running from police, hanging out with boys that actually killed someone, along with the brother of the girl who's currently dead and in our custody.

Which reminds me, why do we still have her body? I turned around where her body lay, I gasped the moment I saw nothing.

I quickly stood up, my eyebrows pulled together on concentration and confusion at the same time. Everyone noticed my sudden and frightful movements, staring at me in questioning ways.

"She's gone." I breathed, Christopher and Karan stood up, as confused as I am.

"What?" Karan moved around the logs, looking at the imprinted spot where Kacy's body was at a few moments ago. I looked at him, my chest rising rapidly, my heart burning with anticipation.

"She's gone."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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