Chapter 13

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( A week Later ) 

Jacob's P.O.V.

" I'm leaving now, " Dymond stated grabbing her keys.

" What time do you get off? " I asked.

" At 10 now bye. " She pecked my lips and left.

" 10?! What am I supposed to do until then?! " I yelled.

" Go work on the pack house, clean up something, masturbate because you miss me, walk to the store and buy ice cream and watch Pretty Little Liars, anything. I think I'll do that last one when I get home. " She said driving away. I sighed and then walked back in the house. Maybe I will clean up something or watch pretty little liars, or go work on the pack house. But there is no way in hell, I'm masturbating. Why should I masturbate when all I gotta do is look at Dymond. Hell, looking at her turns me on. Her eyes are now hazel and she's not going blind or her eyes aren't stinging anymore. She doesn't cry anymore either.

" You don't need to masturbate because you have me. " Justice said wrapping her arms around my waste from behind. I pushed her away and she sighed and sat on the couch, I don't know why she is here. This bitch is like 2 months pregnant, she should be laying down somewhere watching TV with her feet up. 

" Can you leave? " I asked.

" Why are you acting that way? " She asked getting up and waddling towards me. 

" No, get away. I am not your baby daddy. You better go to the bar and ask somebody else. " I said stepping away and putting my hand out.

" That bitch done hypnotized you. It's okay, I'll go get some sort of string and we can snap you right out of this okay? " She said walking to the door. She walked out and I closed the door and locked it plus every window in the house is locked. She banged on the door but I just ignored her. When she stopped banging I heard her walk away and sighed in frustration.

" Dymond, do you ever plan on having kids any time soon? " I asked her through mind link.

" What kind of person asks an 18 year old girl that kind of question, just kidding. To be honest, no. I want kids when I'm like in my late 20's. or early 30's. Why'd you ask? "

" Seeing how Justice is acting, I'm scared that if I get you pregnant then you're going to be the same exact way. " I answered.

" Jacob, do I smoke? " She asked.

" No. "

" Do I have baby daddy problems? "

" No. " 

" Do I have a mate that is going to stick by my side? "

" No. I mean yes. "

" I thought so. " 

" You know so. "

" You're so difficult. "

" So are you. "

" I know. " 

" I love you. "

" Love you too. "

" We're so crazy. "

" Right. "

" Go to work. "

" That's a first. "

" Right. "

" I gotta go. See you at 10. "

" So far. Bye. " That was the longest conversation ever.

I decided to go to the store and buy cookies n' cream ice cream and buy the whole series of Law and Order. I feel like I just broke up with my girlfriend. I looked at the ice cream and the DVD's and groaned in frustration. What am I doing? I could be working on the pack house with everybody. I waisted my time doing this. I went and got my money back from the store's and then went home and put on some old clothes that I can still fit but don't wear. I grabbed my helmet and glasses and walked outside to my truck. I put the key in the ignition and twisted it. The truck roared to life and I smiled. This is going to be a hell of a day. 

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