Chapter 40

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Chapter 40!! We've came long way!

Jacob's P.O.V.

'They were kidnapped!' it kept echoing in my head making me angrier each time it did. I slammed Grace into the wall holding her by her neck, lifting her off of the floor. "Let me go!!" she screamed.

"Where are they!?"

"I don't know dammit!!" she began to cry. Jaylin busted through the door and pushed me off of Grace. He helped grace off the floor and I sat on the floor trying to calm down. "What the hell Jacob!? What's your problem!?" Jaylin growled. I growled back and he rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry Grace." I whispered.

"It's okay—" she began.

"No, it's not okay Grace. I'm really sorry." I mumbled and she nodded. Jaylin walked over to me and stuck out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up. "Why are you trying to kill Grace?" he asked.

"When was the last time you spoke to Stacy?"

"Before she left with Dymond and Grace. Speaking of those two where are they? Did Stacy stop by?" he asked and I shook my head no.

"Jaylin listen, they got kidnapped." I told.

"Jacob, where are they? That's the worst joke ever." he said.

"You think I'm kidding? Think about it, if Grace is here, that would mean Dymond would be here. She would be with me. But she's not Jaylin. Neither is Stacy." I explained.

"Grace, how could you let this happen!?" he growled at her. I saw as his eyes turned a darker shade of grey. I put a hand on his shoulder stopping him from walking over to her.

"Stop fucking blaming me! I walked out of the mall and three men were fighting them. I tried to stop them but I couldn't. They were to strong for me. They injected something in Stacy and Dymond and then ran off with them." Grace said. Jaylin and I growled.

"Did you see what it was?" I asked her.

"It looked like wolfsbane." she stated.

"Oh my god! That can kill her!" Jaylin yelled.

"Lets go, we have to go to Dylan, now.'' I said, they nodded and we ran in human form to the pack house. Wolfsbane knocks out wolves, if to much is in Dymond's system, she can die because it weakens her. That's why she can't shift, her wolf is knocked out. 

When we got to the pack house, all of my warriors and commands were outside. They were all in their wolf forms. The guards were running off to guard my border. Making sure nobody comes in or out of my terrirory. I looked at Jaylin and he said, "You're welcome." How did I not notice what he was doing? I was to busy thinking about Dymond. 

"Do they know what's going on?" I asked Jaylin.

"I didn't know if you wanted to tell them or not." he stated.

"Grace, go get me and Jaylin some shorts." I ordered. she nodded and went inside. When she came back out she had two pairs of basketball shorts in her hand. I thanked her and shifted. Jaylin did the same then I began to speak,

"Dymond and Stacy were kidnapped lastnight. We are going to get them back if we have to go out of the territory. Nobody, is to leave out of the territory or be invited in, until they are found." I said to the whole pack. I heard gasps coming from inside the pack house. My mother ran out of the house with tears in her eyes. "Where are Stacy and Dymond?!" this woman...I sighed.

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