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Cape on back, and pistol in hand (A Pretzel Auto-06 for those who are wondering) Bagelman would need allies to defeat the ominous "Council of Knives," and the donut pulling the strings. As Bagelman walked through the dark streets of Bread City he began to think about who he could befriend. His own people, the bagels were still so distraught and broken it would be hard to unify them behind one man. Other donuts perhaps, he shot that idea down immediately, as they would never go against one of their own. The Croissants perhaps, if he could ever get back in touch with poor half-croissant John. The pretzels might go with him, Bagelman, if he could show them how similar they were, how they were in the same boat, trodden under foot by the elites of the city, left to rot. It could work. But the pretzels were on the far North of town, and so hard to communicate to. He would need...a voice cut in:

"Hello sir! I like your cape, sir." A high-pitched voice chimed in.

"Well hello there." A little pretzel child who couldn't have been more than 3 foot four sprinted down the stairs to greet this strange bagel.

"Shouldn't you be in Pretzel territory, kid?" Bagelman asked with a confused look.

"I don't live with the pretzels, after my parents were murdered, I was taken in by my Mom, a muffin." The Pretzel said.

"I might, possibly, have a job for you." Bagelman smiled slyly.

"Really?" The mini pretzel squealed, almost ecstatic on what this caped bagel could have in store.

"But first I'm going to need to talk to your mother, clearly." Bagelman began to chuckle.

A door opened, "Pal, get inside time for bed!" a loving voice called out from the apartment.

"Yes mom..." Pal said glumly.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but I would like to speak to you about your son... privately." Bagelman spoke quietly, nearly a whisper.

"Why should I speak to a bagel with a cape, I might as well throw you in the dough bin!" Muffin Mom shouted.

The door slammed and Bagelman was alone again on the dark streets of Bread City. As he continued to cross the dark streets, he gripped his pistol almost petrified of the next dark alleyway. CRACK! Bagelman turned and turned trying to figure out where the sound came from. Behind a dough bin a dark figure rose, wearing all black and wielding a Fortuna Fireball V.02, the only color on his garments were the twin blades of the Council of Knives. They had been tracking Bagelman's every move to terminate the individual who could screw up their plans, and the man at the top would have their crust if this went wrong. All around Bagelman figures in the same garments rose, pointing their weapons between Bagelman's little eyes. The Council of Knives' Elite Guard had arrived. The Baguettes were here, and their objective was simple: Kill Bagelman

Bagelman weighed his options in a split second, trying to find a plan that could keep him alive, and kill the least baguettes. He had a plan, and hopefully the plan would go successfully, hopefully. A kick to the bread knocked one out, and a shot right into the eye of another led a safe passage out of the alleyway. It turns out that Donut Dude had prepared for a situation just like this, and a baguette drew a long, slender dart gun and fired one shot, and Bagelman collapsed ten seconds later. He was dragged back to the Council's headquarters in chains.

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