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Bagelman once again finds himself on the quiet streets of Bread City, cape on back, walking towards the only home he has ever known. He thought of his mother, how worried she must be. His father would be proud, even if he is long gone from Bread City. His mind drifted on this walk through town, this walk through the home he knew, he once knew. The Council ran the city with attacks being reported all throughout town, police doing nothing to stop this hateful group. He saw the Bagel Festival starting up, was that today? He had seen this parade many times, but maybe, just maybe he would hunker down and watch it with his family. Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do. He took off his cape, and threw it in the street. He wouldn't need it anymore. Bagelman was Bagelman no matter the look or feel. He was the person, not the figure. He pushed these thoughts aside, it was time to return to his family. As he nervously stumbled across the sidewalk he saw his mother standing there holding the hands of his brothers and sisters, his family he hadn't seen in such a long time. Standing twenty feet in front of him. He started to pick up the pace, until he was running to his mother. Without seeing or hearing him Bagelman's mother continued to watch the parade, unbeknownst to her the lost son had been found. Arms wrapped around his mother, she looked back up at him and smiled. She began to shed tears of joy, and all at once the happy scene ended. Gunshots rang out in the distance, no they're coming from right here! Bagelman jumped away from his mom and in a split second pulled out his gun. Not the AACC, that would hurt the people around him. He only had one target. The Council of Knives was his only target, and they would pay for this! "Mother get out of here, it's about to get rowdy." Bagelman shielded his mother from any oncoming crackers. He could see the shadows of his enemies through the smoke. The tall, lanky figure of the Baguettes, all in black. He had done this before and would do it again. Baguettes would fall, and there would be no remorse for their death. As he lined up his shot he felt a jolt of pain rise up his leg, as he looked down he was appalled at the sight. A bullet had lodged in his left knee. He tried to think, but the pain in his leg overruled anything else going on. The last thing he remembered was hitting the ground...

Bagelman awoke from a deep sleep. The first face he saw was of his mother's. He looked over at his leg, bandaged and swollen. "You're awake... it's been half a day." His mother said somberly.

"It's been that long?" Bagelman slouched in his bed.

"I'm afraid so." Bagelman's mother walked into the kitchen and grabbed a tray. "Eat it."

Bagelman looked down to see water and cream cheese on a muffin. "Thanks mom."

Bagelman the food anyway, and tried to get out of his bed. As he stood his left knee felt weaker and throbbed until he fell flat on his face, "Oof."

His mother rushed in, and just stared. Bagelman rose from the ground and started walking towards her. His mother looked very concerned, "What? How... Are you alright?" She was stuttering at this point, "Are you sure your not hurt?"

"Yes. The bullet never hit my leg. It went right through the hole." He stood up straighter. " A piece of sprinkle hit my leg."

His mother looked at him funny, but said nothing.

"Where are my guns?" He asked quietly.

"In the closet behind the jackets." His mother walked back to the kitchen.

Bagelman looked in the closet grabbed what he needed, and walked out of the front door. He saw carnage in the streets of the Bagel District, worse he saw Baguettes roaming the streets, it would seem that Bagelman had control. Not for long... 

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