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Bread City was in a state of frenzy. Reports were flying about a new crime syndicate being unearthed. "This new crime syndicate seems to have links all over the city. The police commissioner and mayor are under arrest for scheming with this group, supposedly called 'The Council of Knives.' That's all we have on this mysterious group. Stay safe pastries of Bread City. Channel 1 News signing off tonight." The pastries that hadn't already experienced their reign of terror were arming themselves with whatever they had. Chair legs, pillows, a full scale raid of the Bread City museum was reported with the only thing being stolen were swords.

10:00 P.M. The first police are dispatched are the city to control the mobs. Proves very ineffective. More pastries join the riots.

10:30 P.M. More police are dispatched. Very ineffective. Baguettes begin roaming the streets. Reports are coming in that nearly all of the pretzel population are marching up towards the business center, their intentions are unknown.

12:00 A.M. Martial law has been declared. The headquarters of the council has been pinpointed. Plans are being made to assault the building...

In the distance, Glazedale and Co. points up into the sky. Their final target lay ahead, but not before a trial of death and soggy bread. A hundred, if not a thousand of Baguettes stand guard of their beacon in the sky. Bagelman and his pretzels were no strangers to fighting, in fact they were prepared. "Charge!" Nearly immediately the Baguette line was disintegrated by the whirling melee of rifle butts and shovels. The Baguettes fell back, inch by inch until they were within firing range of their snipers, perched along windowsills and the roofs of nearby buildings. They had tricked him! Shot rained down into the crowd, and all too quickly bread was spilled. Bagelman roared, and the zealous pretzels followed him into the fold. Once again, the Baguettes fell back, now at the doors of the building. From the other side of the street, a force unknown to the pretzels came marching down the streets. When the faces of the approaching army gleamed in the streetlights it was all made clear. The police were arriving at the scene of the crime, and for good reason. Riot shields and automatic muffin guns were whipped out a flash, but not aimed at the Baguettes, but at the pretzels. Bagelman shouted with a vigor, a valor that few had seen in a long time, "We are here to overthrow the tyrannical Donut Dude, and his regime, same as you."

The officer standing closest to Bagelman piped up, "We are sorry sir, but this is a job for the police."

The shouts of the pretzels grew until it was too much, the dam broke. The pretzels charged forward, leaving the motionless Bagelman like an island standing the current. The tide pressed forward into the steel wall of the police, leaving him a diversion to get inside the building. A few quick whacks to the head left the few Baguettes guarding the building to be trampled in the hordes. The pretzels began to whack the shields of the valiant police. They held strong, beginning to push back the ravenous pretzels to their place.

Bagelman slipped into the lobby, where a nice receptionist greeted him. The Glazedale employee must have had great hospitality training because he shot at him. A Baguette was hiding behind the counter, waiting for someone to enter. Luckily the Baguette had poor aim, and all three shots went wide. Bagelman leaped and kicked him. The Baguette crumpled to the floor, and began to moan. Bagelman sighed, "Sorry man."

He shot a hole straight through his head, leaving the path to the stairs open, or at least he thought so. The shouts from outside quieted, and Bagelman spared a moment to turn and look. He was shocked at what he saw. Right when he turned, a great tremor shook the Earth. It was a horrifying sight, in the chaos of the battle, rockets were fired from the building, leaving the pretzels and many of the police mangled bodies on the bloodied street. The fire that began to simmer inside of him roared and he charged up the stairs, not hesitating to kill any Baguette that lay in his path. The fire pushed up stair after stair, past Baguette after Baguette, until he had reached the 100th floor. There he was. The final destination, the end of the line. Donut Dude turned to Bagelman, "I was wondering when you'd show up. I've been waiting for you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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