Salt in It

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The people of Bread City deserved justice, and who was supposed to protect them? The Police turned a blind eye to the Council's' actions for one reason or another. But they couldn't turn a blind eye to a massacre of hundreds of people, right? Bagelman thought about it as he walked up the steps of the police department. He asked for an appointment with the Police Chief and sat down in the lobby. The secretary led him into the office of the police chief right away. "You wanted to see me Bagel scum?" he muttered.

Bagelman spoke quietly, "Hundreds of bagels were murdered this morning in Bageltown by a gang. I would like to deem it necessary that an investigation is ordered."

The chief laughed maniacally, "If the bagels can't stay alive, why would we help them?"

Bagelman looked down before shouting, "You would rather let thousands of citizens die than help poor citizens of this city!"

The chief sneered at him, "Take him out of here! I won't hear any more from this bagel scum."

Bagelman stared straight into the chief's eyes, only for a moment before shooting him in the glaze with a tranquilizer dart. The chief collapsed instantly and Bagelman walked out the room like nothing had happened. As he holstered his pistol an officer, a lieutenant at most, walked up to him and concisely said, "We will look into the situation immediately."

Bagelman left the police headquarters, machine gun still in hand and walked briskly to Pretzel town hoping to find allies in the militant pastry. As he arrived in Pretzel town it was already getting dark. The dusk streets were quiet in Bread City, and the Council knew this. As Bagelman officially entered Pretzel Town, he turned off his safety and began to warm up his heavy-duty slaughter machine. The pretzels were out and about this late, but you never know what could happen in Pretzel Town. Pretzels were walking the streets, and their eyes were turned to this bagel who was in their territory. "Get out of here Bagel scum!" A pretzel in the crowd shouted.

The pretzels continued to shout and scream at the only bagel. They cut off his escape from both sides, and they began to throw. They threw salt, hard crystal salt straight from the mines. He was pelted on all sides with salt, opening gashes on his body. He hesitated for only a moment before shouting, "I am your ally! I wish to end the tyranny of Bagelman and his Council! We will return the city to its democracy, to its former glory." His voice quieted, " I will do it for my family."

Bagelman fired his gun into the air, cutting through the silence, and in seconds the pretzels were shouting praises to their new hero, not a pretzel, but one of them nonetheless. They grabbed their weapons and began to walk towards the heart of the city. In their joyous throngs was the one and only, Bagelman. He led their men to the headquarters of the Council, preparing to storm the place that had caused them so much pain...

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