Don't Ever Leave Me

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Race walked across the Brooklyn bridge, papes in one hand, a cigar in the other. He started absentmindedly flipping through a pape. Trolley strikes still going on. Nothing very new in the papes except a few small pictures that Jack drew. He stopped in the middle of the bridge, right where Spot usually was. Spot was talking to a newsie who was about six or seven inches taller than him. Spot Conlon, King of Brooklyn, knew he was better than all the newsies so he didn't bother standing on his toes or any of that shit. It didn't matter, the way he carried himself, newsies who were a foot taller than him wouldn't dare disrespect him.

Race walked up to Spot and tried to sneak behind him.

"Fuck off," Spot said without even turning around.

Race fake gasped. "Spot."

Spot turned around now. "Ah right... Pilot, I'll see ya later."

They both watched Pilot turn away and looked around to see if there were any other newsies around, there weren't. Most kids are too scared to even cross the Brooklyn bridge because of the almighty Spot Conlon.

They waited a few more seconds before spot slowly intertwined his fingers with Race's.

Race laughed.

"What?" Spot demanded.

"Oh ya know, it's just that we haven't seen each other for a whole goddamn week and you're still so protective of your feelings that all you can do is hold my hand." Race wasn't hurt. No, this is Spot, this is the Spot he had first met and fell in love with. He knew that he loved him and that Spot loved him back and that was enough. A little romance never hurt though.

Spot laughed lightly and then turned toward Race and put his hands around the shorter boy's waist. He rested his forehead against Race's and whispered, "What do you wan' me ta do?"

Race blushed and looked down and his ripped and dirty shoes.

Spot smiled and lifted Race's chin up lightly.

Race looked into Spot's eyes for about half a second and then moved his yes around, looking anywhere but the other boy's eyes.

"Why don't ya ever look at anyone in the eyes?" Spot asked, whispering.

Race shrugged.

Spot nudged Race's nose with his.

The Italian smiled softly and nudged back.

The taller boy looked and Race's lips and softly closed the gap between their two faces. He gently moved his lips against Race's and kept one hand firmly around his waist and the other in his hair.

Race kissed back and put his hands around the taller boy's neck.

Spot slowly pulled away, his hands still in Race's hair and around his waist. He whispered, "Don't ever leave me."

"I love you too."

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