Mistletoe (modern au)

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Hey so I was going to do a 12 days of one shots thing but I'm too lazy to actually do that so I'll be doing a few vv short one shots that are holiday themed.

"Eggnog is literally the nastiest thing ever, and that spiked shit is just an excuse to get buzzed while still in the holiday spirit so people don't judge you," Racetrack grouched they were all at Jack's apartment, he had graduated a two years earlier. Spot was a senior, Race, a junior.
"Stop being a bitch about the eggnog Race, we've heard this rang every year already," Jack said, as he sat down on the couch, swung his arm around David's shoulders and kissing his forehead.
"Jack..." David mumbled has he snuggled closer to him.
Hallway through Elf , Spot got up and declared he was going to make hot cocoa. He knew where everything in the kitchen was, he got a very large mug from a cabinet, took out the brown sugar, white sugar, and vanilla and mint extracts.
"Hey there"
Spot jumped, "what the hell Higgins!"
"Jesus, your just making hot cocoa, not a cake, I seriously doubt you need all this shit to make a cup of hot cocoa."
"Yeah? Well hot cocoa is an art." He started shifting through more cabinets, "I just need the cocoa now." He mumbled.
Race smirked, "I think it's in that corner cabinet over there. Way up at the top."
Spot stood on his tiptoes and said, "I can't even see the top shelf."
Race reached up and pretended to search for the cocoa. "Aw to bad, can't find it." Race stood there in the corner and Spot scowled.
"What the hell'r you standing there for?" He damanded.
Race didn't say anything, he just pointed up to the ceiling, where someone (probably Crutchie) had hung up a small sprig of mistetoe.
Spot flipped him off but stepped closer, Race put his hand on the smaller boys waist. He held his lips an inch away from Spot's, waiting for him to close the gap.
Holyfuckholyfuckfuckfuckfuck I'm going to kiss Race oh my god I'm going to die, that mother fucker tricked me. His lips look really nice. Spot's thoughts were going a mile a minute and after what seemed like an eternity to Race, Spot closed the gap softly and Race pressed his mouth, hard against Spot's. Race pulled away just to put his arms around the taller (of the two)'s neck. Spot lifted his head up, making Race reach and lifted the small Italian up, kissed him again, this time less nervous and set him back down.
"You're cute Conlon," Race said after the two had been silent for a few seconds.
"Asshole," Spot said as he walked away, a small (but not obvious) smile on his face.

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