Soulmate/modern au

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Ok so I hope y'all know that I only write these when I'm feeling extremely lonely and my depression is fucking pulling up all the flowers in the dying garden that is my brain.

Spot sat in history science class again and felt a searing pain in his upper arm, He didn't even need to look and see what it was. Usually, he just put on a jacket or sweatshirt to cover it but today the cuts felt worse. "Mx. Anson?"
"What's up?" His teacher looked up from their computer.
Spot responded quietly, "Can I uh.." He nodded towards the door.
Mx. Anson knew of his soul ante problems and knew sometimes things like this would happen. "Yeah of course."
Spot jumped up, jogged towards the door and grabbed the hall pass.
He walked into the bathroom and wrapped a few wet towels around his arm and was about to leave to walk around until the bleeding cooled down when he heard stifled sniffling coming from the last stall. Spot hesitated and ultimately decided to walk out the door and he did but after a few heard he muttered "dammit" and went back in.
He stood awkwardly around by the sink until a short, brown haired boy he'd recognized from the grade below him and from his math class walked out of the stall.
"He dude are you okay?" He asked, looking down at the floor.
"It's none of ya business." The small boy left the bathroom without another word.

Spot was walking home through the forest that surrounded half of his school and was humming along to a Green Day song coming from his headphones when he heard a loud stick snap. He whipped his head around and saw Nash, a guy he'd beaten in a fight a week or so before.
"Hey there Spotty" he spat. "Didn't think you'd get away that easily did you?" He ran at Spit and spot didn't do anything but hold his arms above his head and feel back agains the ground and hit a rock on his temple as Nash punched him in the ribs twice and once on the cheek, stood up and jogged away with a smirk.
Spot quickly got up, not running just walking and headed back home.

The next day in his math class he sat down in his desk and immediately winced at the pain in his ribs but he quickly shoved his backpack under his seat and sat upright, hiding the pain. His teacher started droning on about God knew what and he glanced at the clock. He glanced again and started getting antsy in his seat. He dug his fingernails into the back side of his palm. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw someone flinch. He turned his head and saw the boy from the bathroom rubbing his hand.
"The fuck?" Spot whispered. He glanced again and the boy had an ice pack to his cheek. He dug into his hand again, this time looking at the boy across the room and sure enough, the small kid flinched and covered his hand. Spot sat for a minute and then came up with a plan. He raised his hand and asked to use the bathroom. He grabbed a pass and then a few seconds later he poked his head in the door, "Just saw Mr. Pits in the hall, he said that Race's parents are picking him up now." And closed the door.
Seconds later Race stepped out of the door and Spot grabbed his arm and softly, gently pushed him against the wall. He stepped back a few feet and simple said, "it's you isn't it?"
The small boy replied "sorry what?"
Spot simple pulled up his sleeve and pointed to the cuts on his arm and the bruise on his face.
Race removed the ice pack and pulled off his own sleeve and stared at his own cuts and scars as if he was seeing them for the first time. "Shit. Wow"
"Yeah." Spot stepped forward. "One thing, what are all the cuts from?"
Race laughed a dry, hollow laugh. "You can't guess?"
Spot's smile dropped. "Oh," He stepped forward again. "I'm sorry."
Race nodded.
Spot stepped so he was inches away from Race and held out his arms. "Can I?"
Race nodded and sunk into the slightly taller boy's arms and sobbed.
Spot slowly guided him down the hall and sat against a wall with Race in his arms.
Race cried out all the lonely nights and whispered "I'm not alone." He lifted his head up and brushed his hands over Spot's face and over his lips.
Spot blushed and smiled. He leaned in, thinking for a second, 'this is weird we hardly know eachother.' But then he thought, 'we're soul mates though.' He said softly, "no you're not alone."
Race leaned in a brushed his lips against Spot's and pulled away, leaning back into his chest.

Ugghhh I'm sad but writing this made me feel a bit better. I just am so lonely and I know it's dumb but I feel like I need someone now. Like a love interest in my life but ya know that can't happen to me.

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