Laser Tag

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Jack, Spot, Race, Crutchie and Davey were in Jack's apartment on a Saturday morning. Crutchie was still sleeping on the couch, Race and Spot were sitting in a large chair with Race's legs draped over Spot's and his head resting on his shoulder, Davey eating a scrambled egg at the dining room table and Jack sitting upside down on another chair. Jack groaned loudly and Davey rolled his eyes. "We should dooooo something!" Jack groaned.
"Why not go to an arcade?" Davey said from the other room.
"We could play laser tag!" Race yelled.
"We're all right here Race," Davey said, standing in the doorway smiling.

Half an hour later they were all wearing vests and holding large laser guns.  Crutchie looking nervous and Race at the front of the line with the look of determination on his face, Spot behind him smiling over his shoulder and Jack next to Spot.
"Three... Two... Two..." Someone counting down from the speaker says
"He's stalling." Race glared at the speaker.
"Three two one!"
Spot and Race made a mad dash and started shooting people and so did Jack until he looked behind and saw Crutchie going slowly so he went and walked with him inside. As soon as Jack and Crutchie came in, Spot shooting Crutchie and Race got Jack twice then ran back around and Spot went the opposite direction. Crutchie turned and shot Jack a few times and told him to go and get Race and Spot back.
Spot shot a little kid a few times and then read around and shot this teenage girl who giggled and winked at him. Then Spot heard Race yell "Hey! Get back here so I can shoot you!"
Spot ran over to where Race was, put his hands on his shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Hey Tony."
Hey jumped and turned around to face Spot and smiled. "Hey Sean."
Spot pushed him into a corner and kissed him softly on the mouth and pulled away when Race put his hands around Spot's neck and kissed him harder so Spot twirled his hands around Race's waist and kissed him back. Race pulled away, kissed Spot's cheek and pushed him away so he could shoot him a few times in a small spot on the chest that would have been hard to get otherwise. Spot glared so Race winked and ran away before Spot could get him back.

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