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"Hyung, don't you think you were being pretty rude to my girlfriend?" Jimin asked as he entered the studio the next day, "Right after I was done recording, you literally told us to get out or you're going to quit being my producer."

"I had a headache. And what are you doing here? We're done with the album." Yoongi asked, not turning away from the computer screen.

"Headache my ass. I know you were being rude on purpose because you aren't my producer anymore so you can't quit!" Jimin exclaimed.

That caught Yoongi's attention. With his eyes that are completely blind, he looked over to Jimin, "What?"

"The contract I signed said you'd only be my producer until this album is over. And like you said, it's done. So why were you being so rude?"

"I didn't know that... I thought you were going to sign another contract with me for the next album." Yoongi blinked, taking in a deep sigh.

Jimin scoffed, "I was going to, hyung. But not if you're going to keep acting the way you did yesterday."

"I can't promise that." The older shook his head, "Something about Chunja makes my blood boil. How about you don't bring her anymore?"

"No. If you're going to work with me, no... even be friends with me, you're going to have to get along with my girlfriend."

"You mean the girl your dating out of pity?"

Silence. Then next thing Yoongi heard was a slam of the door.

Jimin had left.

And had planned on never coming back.
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