Chapter Fourteen | Pain Tolerance

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(TRIGGER WARNING This chapter may contain scenes of moderate violence and abuse, you have been warned)


From the sofa I could hear his heavy footsteps getting louder and louder. He was home after another night out, this was five on the bounce now. Usually Dad would only go out once or twice a week but recently it's every night, I don't understand how he manages to afford it, especially after loosing another job. I braced myself for what was to come, the reek of booze, the bitter smell of pot and of course, his rage.

The door rattled on it's hinges as it slammed wide open and hit the wall loudly. He looked disheveled, his clothes were bloodied and torn and there were large cuts imbedded in his face. His blue eyes were bloodshot with dark circles around them. For a moment he paused at the door, I stood up and his eyes honed in on me and I felt that familiar fear. The fear that had developed since he had begun hitting me.
At first he was sorry but now I was his personal punching bag without even a second thought.I never told anyone though, I don't blame my father. I understood his pain, and I was the direct cause of it.

My expression filled with sympathy as he staggered into the apartment, eying me as if I was a piece of dirt. "Fuck off." He grumbled shuffling past me. "I don't need your sympathy."

Wordlessly I walked over and shut the front door. I heard him rummaging and I knew instantly what he was looking for. "Where are my fags?" He growled. "And my booze?"

I swallowed. Hiding it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I would regret it.

"I'm talking to you, you little shit!" He snapped coming towards me. His rough hands grabbed my face and I trembled in his hold, I felt so weak and helpless.

"D-Dad please, I don't like it w-when you drink." I stuttered struggling to speak due to how tightly he was gripping my face.

He leaned in closer to me, I could smell the cheap beer on his breath. "Well I don't like that you were born." He said lowly. "You ruined my life Anna, and now you're taking away the only thing that helps me cope, where the fuck did you hide them?"

All I felt was empty, he didn't love me, maybe he did once but not anymore. It had drained him, I had drained him. But I wasn't giving in, I couldn't let this carry on. He saw that I wasn't going to give him an answer and I could feel the rage building up inside of him.

"Daddy please." I begged as he pushed me aside. He began searching the apartment, knocking things over tipping up the sofa. I ran after him desperately trying to placate him. "Daddy please stop!" I begged tears streaming down my face.

"Please stop." He mimicked me, ripping out the draws in the main room.

I reached for him. "Daddy!" I begged pulling on his arm.

That was the wrong thing to do. Before I could even blink I felt myself falling backwards, the glass cut into my back like a thousand knives stabbing me at once. The pain was excruciating, tears sprung from my eyes as my back fully hit the ground. All around me were shards of glass from the now shattered table, I heard those heavy footsteps for the last time and then the world went black.

Child abuse, they would call it. Write him off as the bad guy when it wasn't entirely his fault. My mother and I turned him into that man, no one had to know about him hurting me on purpose. Not even Lauren.

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