Chapter Fifteen | Broken Apart

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Anna hadn't slept all night, the nightmares that had plagued her throughout her entire life had gotten worse, more clear and fresh in her mind. But now, it wasn't just her father punishing her in her dreams, instead she was back in Lauren's house hitting her again and again. Then Max appeared and had to be punished too, Anna had woken up in tears, shaking. This was all her fault, she had ruined everything. She knew she still had Max, but she was afraid of being his mother, what would having a mother like her do to him? Would he turn out just like Anna?
Besides, he had those green eyes just like Lauren's. Could she bare to see them anymore now that she was gone?

When morning came Anna was out on her balcony, smoking, something she had rarely done until recently. The pain in her chest was overwhelming and she didn't want to feel it anymore, losing everything she cared about was taking it's toll. So she went inside and began to pour herself a glass of wine and it was halfway full, but then she stopped.

No, she thought to herself, I'm doing exactly what my father did.

In one swift move she swept the glass and wine bottle into the bin. Following it came every bottle of alcohol she had in the house and all her cigarettes. Anna made a choice, she would not make the same mistakes her father made. There are two types of people in the world, when faced with tragedy they either let it overwhelm them or take control. And if there was one thing Anna knew how to do it was to take control.
She wouldn't give up like her Dad did, and that is the difference between Mark Hale and his daughter. Her last name wasn't Hale, she was Anna Silver.

And she was going to get the love of her life back, even if it killed her.


It had been a week since she left, a week since I quit my job at The Silver Corporation and a week since I stopped being her girlfriend. Just thinking about her name made me want to start crying again. And I'd been crying a lot lately. In an effort to stop thinking about her I channeled all my time into my essays and schoolwork, I'd even started helping Hannah with her short film that she was directing. Distracting myself was helping me cope with how much I missed her, how much I missed her smile and touch. The way she could make my heart leap with a simple look.
She had sent me my work iPad as a gift and I asked Karla to give the Porsche back but she refused. I was surprised that Anna, Annastasia, hadn't tried harder to contact me. Clearly this whole affair hadn't meant that much to her after all.

"Are you sure you're ok to help today?" Hannah asked me as we walked to class.

I smiled as reassuringly as I could. "Of course, why do you ask?"

My best friend stared at me. "Because you are walking towards Math with me instead of Chemistry which is the opposite way." She said deadpan.

"Shit." I muttered. "Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts for a sec. I'm fine really."

Hannah wasn't convinced, I could see that look on her face. I knew I wasn't the best actress in the world and right now my mind was too consumed with she-who-will-not-be-named.
"Okay, well try and wake up for three thirty. I need your help, you've been a really great assistant director this past week." She praised.

I nodded, my smile a little more genuine now. "Thanks Han, I'll see you later." I said, turning around to walk to Chemistry.

As class went on the more I thought about Annastasia. What was she doing now? Was she thinking of me? Was she ok? Had Eric hurt her again? My mind was filled with questions that I had zero answers to. I also thought about Max. Maybe after directing I could go pay him a visit, Dianne would surely know where he was. The thought of seeing him again powered me through the rest of the day, right up until it was time to help Hannah.

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