Chapter 3: The Disappearing Act

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Sam quickly reassembled his guns and tucked them away before he allowed DiNozzo to escort him.

"You'll like Abby, she's our forensic scientist and a whiz at computers." DiNozzo began telling him about Abby, but Sam only listened with half an ear, just wanting to go back to the motel and relax with his lover. He did, however, pay attention to the layout of the building, wanting to make sure he knew how to sneak out later.

Sam settled in a chair in the conference room as he waited for Abby, who soon came bouncing in the door, looking at him. "Hi, I'm Abby, but you probably figured that already" she began in a hurry, but was halted as Sam stood up. "Wow, you're tall. You're even taller than Tony or, or Gibbs, and they're tall." She began to ramble, and Sam felt himself begin to get a headache.

"Did you come here to say something to me or to bug me so I couldn't go out and do my job?" He asked tersely.

"Oh, I actually came to ask you about your job" Abby realized. "Is it true? Do you kill vampires? I've always wanted to meet one."

Sam sighed at the naivety of the woman in front of him, and he shrugged out of his shirts to show her his many scars. "Claw marks on my back, werewolf. Age of twelve. Round scar on the neck, vampire bite." He turned to look at her pointedly. "Vampires are not the type of creature you think they are, miss Sciuto. They're vicious and cruel, blood-sucking and minacious, and most certainly not the type of man you would want to meet." His voice was stern and hard as he spoke, all he wanted was to go home. He put his shirts back on before speaking again. "Vampires do not have two sharp canines, Abby, they have a whole other set of fangs. They're very dangerous. Now, if that is all, I'll escort myself out of here."

Sam stomped out of the room and snuck his way down the stairs and out the back door he'd noticed earlier, not noticing he had dropped one of his cards back in the conference room for Abby to find and pick up. Once outside, he ran out of the Navy Yard and jogged back to the motel to meet up with Dean.

It took him almost an hour to get back to the motel room, and once there he didn't say a word to Dean, only got into the shower and started it. He took a quick shower and then went to bed, tired and just wanting to sleep.


"What? You let him go?" Gibbs barked at Abby when she told him Sam had run off.

"I swear I didn't mean to, Gibbs, I just talked to him, asked him some stuff and then he got angry and ran." Abby was pacing back and forth between the desks quickly, very shaken from how Sam had just disappeared.

"Boss, I can't find him on any of the security cameras" McGee said as he looked at his computer. "There's nothing on him from the point he left the conference room. He's gotta be good, boss. Not a trace of him."

"Well, there's one trace, this." Abby held up the FBI business card. "I've dusted it for prints, and found only Sam's. It's got a number on it, we could try calling it."

"He pretends to be FBI?" Tony asked with a frown of disdain on his face.

"Let's call in the morning, set up a meeting. It's late, go home." Gibbs said, ignoring DiNozzo's frown. He watched Ziva and McGee leave, but Tony hung back like usual, finishing up paperwork that the two junior agents hadn't finished or hadn't done a good job with. He still finished up before Gibbs and left, getting into his car and driving to his house.

His and Jethro's house. Sometimes he still couldn't quite fathom that he had moved in with Jethro, that his lover (Jethro had refused to be called "boyfriend", said he was too old to be one) had wanted him to move out of his, let's face it, hellhole of an apartment, and in with him, into his house, his bed. But it was also one of the most giving things he'd ever experienced. Loving Jethro was the best decision his heart had ever made for him, he knew.

Tony parked the car and went inside, heading into the kitchen. His mind was swirling with questions, and he just couldn't seem to find the answers. Who was their witness really? What was his business with NCIS, apart from being a witness in a murder investigation? He was confused and didn't know how to read Campbell, which frustrated him to no end. He'd always been proud of his people-reading skills and this was throwing him off kilter.

Shaking his head, Tony sighed and began making lasagna for himself and Gibbs, knowing that his boss would be home soon. Right as the lasagna was taken out of the oven, the front door opened. "Welcome home, Jethro" he called out, before hearing a second set of footsteps and turning around, expecting to find Fornell trailing behind Gibbs, like he sometimes did. Instead, he found Gibbs with a familiar, mop haired man following him.

"Ah, Campbell, how nice of you to join us again, after your little escapade earlier."

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