Chapter 6: The Return

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Sam woke up in the morning to find Dean out of bed and the room. Weird. The younger hunter stretched and got out of bed. He showered and shaved before getting dressed. Then he waited. He waited for Dean to come back, with breakfast or just himself to see him again.

It would take half an hour for Dean to return with food, but a scowl on his face. "Sammy, where the hell did you go? You were away for hours, and when you came back you didn't even tell me what you had been doing" he said, looking at Sam.

"I told you, I got an idea and went to the library to check it out. It took a lot longer than I'd hoped, but I found everything I needed, more than I hoped. I even know where to go to infiltrate the gang and get the information we need."

Sam stood and made his way over to Dean, leaning in and capturing his lips. "I'm okay, babe. I swear, you don't have to worry" he whispered into his mouth, taking the bags from his hands and pulling back to place them on the table. "I've left all the info I've found regarding our case on the bed, I have to go out after we've eaten to follow up on some witnesses." He hated lying, but couldn't bear to tell him the truth either. "I'll also work on getting into the gang, so I'll be gone most of the day."

Dean sighed, he hated letting Sam go on his own, but he himself had visited the scene as an FBI agent and had compromised his ability to get into the gang. Sam was their only hope to get information from the inside about the gang, and Dean would just have to accept it.


Sam arrived at the Navy Yard dressed in a leather jacket, dark skinny jeans and his body language oozing confidence and a sense of dangerous nobody there could really explain. He stepped through the gates and went back in the way he had found yesterday, sneaking in under the radar before stepping into the bullpen, leaning on the divider next to Gibbs' desk. He stood there silently for a few minutes, just watching the team work, the agents typing furiously at their keyboards, presumably either doing research or writing their reports.

"So, agents DiNozzo, David, McGee. Where's agent Gibbs? I'm here to sign my witness statement" he said suddenly, stepping into the middle of the bullpen and looking around at the surprised agents, none of whom had noticed Sam until he announced his presence. He hid his smirk as he noticed Tony and McGee take in his outfit and the way he looked in general.

"Um, he's up in MTAC, Sam, but if you'd like to wait, I'm sure he'll be out in a moment" McGee stammered, slightly overwhelmed by the sheer confidence and power exhuming from the hunter. Sam nodded slowly, moving over to the empty desk and settling in the chair, his ridiculously long legs settling on the corner of the desk as his arms crossed on his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll wait. It's not exactly like I've got better things to do" Sam said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as the back elevator opened and the dark haired goth hurried towards them.

"Sam! Sam, you came back!" Abby went to hug him, but was stopped as Sam held a hand up in front of himself. "I came back to sign my witness statement and then be on my way to the hunt. Why do you think I'm dressed like this?" He gestured to his body, with the tight shirt that did nothing to hide his physique, the skinny jeans that did nothing to hide what he packed, and the slick leather jacket finishing off his attire and making him look dark and mysterious.

"I've got work to do, Abby, so do you. Once I've signed my statement, I'll be out of your lives. I'm sorry for running out on you, but I couldn't stay. I had already been gone way too long for my partner to begin worrying about me. Any longer and he would have traced my phone and found me here, and launched an attack to save me. I had to get out and assure him I was fine" Sam stated, stretching his arms above his head, his shirt riding up just a hint and revealing a small strip of skin, before the shirt fell back down as his arms lowered.

Abby nodded. "Okay, Sam, I get it, I think, I don't think we would want him to attack NCIS thinking we had captured you."

"It's lucky for us all that I'm such a good liar, then."

"Why? You lie on your witness statement?" Gibbs asked, stepping into the bullpen. Sam slowly, languidly got to his feet. "Not lying more than I have to, boss" he said. "I'm ready to sign my statement and then get out of here. I've got work to do."

"Not your boss, Campbell. Come with me." Gibbs lead the way to the conference room with Sam trailing behind, still cocky and confident. And he had all reason to be. He managed to not let on that his last name wasn't Campbell. His partner's name was still a secret. He'd also managed to capture a killer. It was a good hunt, he felt it.

It wasn't a lengthy business to sign his statement, and Sam was soon on his way to leave the Navy Yard once again. But, before he could, he was stopped by a red-haired woman who introduced herself as Director Sheppard. She led him in to her office and asked him to sit down. Sam politely refused and said he'd rather stand.

"What can I do for you, Director Sheppard?"

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