Chapter 8: The Exit

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"You've got my attention, Shadow. Now talk."

"I know you killed him. I know you're the one who killed Stinger." Before Sam could get in another word, Claw attacked him. Sam fought back, not having a chance to pull out his gun again to shoot. They scuffled and fought, and no matter how good he was, Sam ended up on his back with Claw on top. He was just about to close his teeth around Sam's throat when a shot rang out and Claw screamed before falling limp on top of Sam. Sam pushed him off and got to his feet, panting. He leaned on the wall and looked down at himself. He had scrapes and scratches on his arms and chest, but nothing was deep.

"Sammy, are you okay?" Dean hurried over to him and checked him over, not-so-accidentally kicking Claw on his way.

"Yeah, Dean" Sam breathed out and closed his eyes, letting the adrenaline pour out of him. He slumped against the wall for a moment before gathering himself and stepping towards the body and his brother. "Let's get him and ourselves out of here now." He helped Dean lift the body out of the alley and into the trunk, before the younger Winchester pretty much fell into the shotgun seat and leaned back there, his eyes closing.

Dean got into the car and drove them to their motel in silence, not even turning on his usual ,music, an odd occurrence. He got Sam inside, with little to no help from the man in question, and on the bed before driving off to take care of the body. He spent a few hours away, first finding a good spot to get rid of the body, digging a shallow grave and dumping the body in said grave. He salted and burned the remains and then returned to the motel once more, finding Sam in the shower, cleaning his wounds.

Dean helped him dress the wounds and then brought Sam to bed. He undressed down to his boxers and then slipped into bed with his lover, curling around his body and clinging to him as he fell asleep, his dreams once again plagued with nightmares about the trip to hell he would soon embark on.

The next morning had Dean waking up to a wet sensation wrapped around his cock. He quickly came to realize it was Sam's mouth he had around him, and he let out a soft moan. "Oh, fuck,Sammy.." He breathed out, hands reaching down. Fingers running through long hair. Hips struggling not to buck. The edge getting closer, before, with a moan of Sam's name, he spilled his seed down the other's throat.

The next words spoken by the shorter hunter came a few minutes later. "Damn, Sammy. Hell of a way to wake me up" Dean muttered as he pulled Sam closer against himself and connected their lips softly. He licked into Sam's mouth, moaning softly as he tasted himself on Sam's tongue.

Sam pulled back, grinning sheepishly. "Are we just spending a day here to relax? Because I don't think we should get on the road today." They never usually spent an extra day in a place, knowing the police would be hot on their trail normally, unless one of them had gotten too close to getting killed. But this time, he didn't feel scared that the police would come knocking on their door. He also made a mental note to text Gibbs and Abby to let them know it was over.

"Whatever you want, Sammy" Dean muttered, pulling him closer into his arms and not letting go. He had felt like he was about to lose Sam yesterday, and he didn't mind spending a day to recuperate in peace without going out to the next hunt immediately.


"Agent Gibbs, come with me" Director Sheppard told Gibbs as soon as she arrived the day after her conversation with Sam and said hunter's farewell with NCIS. Gibbs furrowed his brows and shared a glance with DiNozzo as he followed the redheaded woman up to her office. The door closed behind them and Gibbs stood in front of the desk, just like how the hunter had stood.

"Anything I can do for you, director?" Gibbs asked, an eyebrow cocked at her. "Because, you know, I've got a job to do."

"Why'd you let Campbell leave?"

"He wasn't a suspect. He was a witness and a key part of solving our investigation. There was no reason to hold him." Gibbs shrugged. "I had no grounds to hold him. And he had a job to do, something I couldn't intervene in."

"He was there when the petty officer was stabbed. He caught a man, yes, but how do you know it wasn't him that killed the officer and framed your suspect?"

"Because the suspect confessed to being in a fight with our dead guy and stabbing him, that's why. Campbell had no marks on his body that showed the signs of a fight that our suspect and the body had. The murder weapon didn't have Campbell's fingerprints on it, and there were no gloves on the crime scene or around it. Need anything else, Director?" Gibbs shot her a glare and moved to leave.

"Did you really believe him, when he talked the monsters and the way he grew up?" Sheppard said, halting Gibbs for a moment. "No reason not to, I mean, it'd explain the cold cases we have on file with the really weird deaths. Murder by monster - could explain a lot." He answered, shrugging as he opened the door and left.

"Keep tabs on Campbell, Jethro - don't lose him."

Gibbs shook his head as he walked down the stairs, only to receive a text from an unknown number.

"It's done. -S"

Gibbs half-smirked and pocketed his phone, the smirk being with him all the way down into the squad room.

"McGee, stop searching for Campbell. If he wants to be found, he'll find us."

"Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs" Abby entered the bullpen and showed him her phone. "I got this just now, should I trace it to find him?" On the screen was displayed the exact same message Gibbs himself had gotten.

"Nah, Abbs, it's okay. He'll find us, we don't find him. But if he is found sooner or later, I wanna know." Getting a nod from both Abby and McGee, Gibbs sat down in his chair and leaned back, closing his eyes.


Sam and Dean left DC unceremoniously the next day, taking everything with them. Everything except one thing.. The calling card Abby now had on her corkboard for memory and safekeeping. And if anyone asked her about it, she'd shrug and tell them it was for a long lost friend, one whom she hoped would someday return.

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