Chapter 7: The Shadow

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 "What can I do for you, Director Sheppard?"

"I've noticed you passing in and out of agent Gibbs' area yesterday and today, and I wish to know what your business is with them. You're not just an ordinary witness" Jenny Shepard told him as she sat behind her desk. "What is your business with NCIS?"

"My 'business' with NCIS is that I was a witness in a murder, and I ran after the killer and caught him. What I have done here is my duty as a citizen, I have placed my statement and helped with the investigation" Sam stated calmly as he stood in front of her. People in power never really intimidated him, so he wasn't scared or nervous.

"I saw the recordings of your interrogation" Shepard continued. "Who are you really?"

"I'm Samuel Campbell, hunter. And, if you had paid attention, you'd know who I am." Sam's voice was cool and collected and his eyes hiding his emotions. He needed to get out of there. "Unless you brought me here to ask me about my case here in town, I'd have to be on my way. Have a nice day, Director. Oh, and your team is good. Don't break it up." Sam turned and walked out the door, letting it slam shut behind him. Bureaucrats and politicians, he muttered to himself, shaking his head as he walked down the stairs to the squad room. "Agents,I thank you for your hospitality during my visit here, but I really should head out now."

"You're leaving already? But you just came" McGee asked, looking at him.

"I've got your number, if I need help, I'll call" Sam told them. "I've got my own case to close. Take care." He smiled and didn't notice that Abby was taking a picture of him before it was too late. "Don't keep that picture, Abby. Please", he said, looking into her eyes. "I won't." She answered immediately. Sam nodded and turned, going out the front door this time.

Sam made his way to town and found the gang and its leader, going by the name Claw. He called himself Shadow, for his tendency to disappear and appear out of nowhere. He immediately got a pass into the gang once they saw his fighting skills, and Sam spent the day picking up information that they needed for the hunt.


Back up in the bullpen, Abby printed out the image she'd taken of Sam and handed a copy to each team member, so they wouldn't forget him. Then she deleted the picture and all memory from it, like she had promised Sam.

Gibbs took the picture and pinned it on the wall behind his desk, a token reminder that sometimes there were more to this world than meets the eye. Tony did the same, hanging it up behind him. Ziva and McGee pocketed the picture, bringing it home with them. Ziva's would eventually burn when her apartment exploded, and McGee's would get lost. But they never forgot their first meeting with a hunter.

"McGee, I want you to try to track Sam." Gibbs said. "Locate his cell and track it."

McGee nodded and got Sam's cell number. "It's just a burn phone, boss. Paid for in cash."

"Well, keep an eye out for his movements." McGee nodded again. "Yes, boss."


Sam got back to the hotel in the evening with food. The promised pie from yesterday was there too, and he spread dinner out onto the table. "Dean, I've got dinner." He called, looking around for his lover and realizing that the room was empty. He looked around the room and swallowed when Dean's duffle bag was missing. He called Dean's phone and begged him to pick up.

"Sammy?" A gruff voice over the phone said.

"Dean, where are you? I came back to the room and you're not here."

"I'm out. On a hunt."

"What? Dean, where are you? I'm coming." Sam grabbed his things and got dressed.

Dean rattled off an address and then abruptly hung up. He sighed to himself and ran a hand across his face. Thinking back, he had no idea why he'd gone out to hunt without Sam, he knew they needed each other at their backs, but he was getting bored and needed to do something. Just watching TV and doing research was boring, he wanted to be the one out there.

Sam opened the car door and slid in next to Dean, reaching over and tugging him into a kiss. "Was worried you'd left me, babe." He whispered against his lips, stroking his hair when he pulled back. "By the way, we're in the wrong place. I've got a pretty good guess at who our werewolf may be. His street name is Claw. Fitting."

Dean nodded. "Lead the way then, Sammyboy." He grinned at Sam. "Let's get this hunt over with and get out of here. I'm getting tired of the big city. Too many cops."

Sam guided Dean towards the alleyway he knew Claw would be in and drew his gun. He got out of the car and walked into the alley, drawing attention to himself to bring out the gang member. He knew Dean had his back no matter what and didn't feel unsafe in any way.

"Shadow!" A voice called out. "Thought you didn't come during the dark hours."

"Don't you know that it's in the dark when the shadows are the strongest?" Sam taunted, standing tall and proud and with a smirk on his face. "Come out, Claw. I want to talk."

Another shadow stepped out into the alley and closer to Sam, who'd hid his gun once he got Claw's attention. "You've got my attention, Shadow. Now talk."

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