Chapter 2

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Erik managed to book the both of us one flight to England and a ferry to France.

"Where's Mystique?" I ask him on the flight to England.


"And the others?"


"So it's just us three?"


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"She's not entirely taking orders from me. Mystique's...let's just say she's working solo for the moment."


"I'm helping you find that man, Elsa, and she knows it. Which reminds me-I have something to give to you, it's from her."

He reaches into an inside pocket of his jacket and pulls out a small envelope. I open it and see a small folded up paper.

Hey Elsa, by the time you get this I'll probably be in Sochi, Russia---

I know about Erik helping you, and I wish I was there to help you out too

After I finish my business in Sochi, I'm heading to Switzerland, then Spain so you won't be seeing me for a while.

Keep Erik from showing-off as much as you can, he likes to do that


I fold up the paper, put it back in the envelope, then make a jacket appear on my shoulders. I stick the envelope in one of the inside pockets and then make the jacket disappear.

"That's still amazing." Erik says.


"What you just did."

"It's useful at times." I curl up in my seat and lean against his shoulder, looking out the window next to me. "Other times it just sucks."

"There are plenty women who would love to have some of those powers of yours." He answers quietly so no one else can overhear our conversation. "The hair and clothing I mean. And I think everybody in the world has a desire to fly without depending on an airplane or helicopter."

"Everything comes with a price."

"Another thing you and I have in common."

"And that is?"

"Both of us have lost something that can't be replaced."

"Something we don't have in common-you can talk about it easier than I can."

A tear appears in the corner of my eye but I blink it away, I cannot cry anymore. Not ever.

Erik wraps an arm around my shoulders, I close my eyes.

"Should get some rest, this is a red-eye flight after all." I suggest, snuggling up closer to him. "And don't show-off."


"Mystique said you like to show-off someimes."

"Oh." Erik laughs. "Sometimes."

I wake up not long after, the plane shaking violently.

"Elsa." Erik says. I sit upright.

"What's going on?"

"Storm." He answers, standing up as people cry out. "The plane's going down soon."

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