Chapter 4

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"Cut" I repeat, practically speechless.

He nods. "I'm sorry, but like I told you, they weren't healing up at all like they would usually do, they were just getting worse. They were going to be infected if they didn't do what they did when they did it."

I nod in understanding.

"Get some rest, you need it." He says. "I'll come back later." He stands up, turns, and walks off.

He did come back, nearly two long, dull hours later. Over the course of three days he helped me stand, walk, and lift things without any pain in my back. Soon I was back to normal.

If you could call my everlasting life "normal".

"Oh those poor families." We heard an Irish nurse say to her British nurse friend, looking at the news, the man reporting of the plane that sunk in the ocean less than 50 kilometers away from the England.

"I can only imagine what they must be feeling." The British nurse replied. "To lose their families in a storm when they were just coming to visit or returning home."

We turned the other direction afterwards. I was still bothered about that event.

No one knew where we came from. The doctors and nurses suspected we came from a ship that sunk just off the coast, and we used that as our story instead of telling the truth.

"Erik, I want to find Aston." I say to him the fourth day at the hospital. "I'm as normal as can be now. I'm all better. Now let's go and find Aston and kill him."

"Hold your horses." He pushes me back a step by pushing my shoulder with his hand. "Wait until you're better."

"But I am better! I'm back to norma-!"

"Elsa, you will never be normal." He says, looking me in the eye. "I'm sorry, but you will never be normal. I can't say this without being harsh so I'll just say it; your natural mutation is speed, but you were experimented on. You are an experiment, treated like a guinea pig." He pauses. "I am sorry it came out like that, but there is absolutely no way to tell you without it being hurtful."

"That was a great speech and all, but I need to find Aston and stop him from hurting anyone else. I'm going to find him, Erik. I'm going to find him and kill him. And in order to find him I need to go to that bank in France and find out where he currently is. Maybe look for an-"



He heaves a sigh. "You're really not going to rest until he'd dead are you?"

I nod.

"Fine." He looks me in the eye. "We leave tomorrow."


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