Chapter 12

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"Erik, Aston's a mutant."

"A what?"

"You heard me. He can easily beat us. He controls metal and figured out how to fly without wings and he has the exact same powers as me-except for the hair and clothing part. He can easily kill us. Kill you."


"Charles told me." I interrupt. "He also told me that in less than half an hour his plane will take off to Moscow but will stop in Krakow for God-knows-what."

"Stop." Erik grabbed my arm, stopping both of us.

"Erik, we don't have much-!"

"Exactly." He says. "Run. As fast as you can. Your original mutation is speed-more specifically, for running."

"Erik, I can run fast but not that fast."

"Yes you can. You circled Charles around his mansion. I was watching when it happened Elsa. You can run faster, I know it. So run."

"What about-?"

"I'll be fine." He says. "My mutation is metal, remember?"

Suddenly he rises in the air.

"You're so dramatic." I say. "See you at the plane."

Then I turn and run, gaining speed as I go.

Finally I reach a plane, and see Aston sitting in the middle of the private plane. He looks out his window, sees me, then turns to someone in front of him with wide eyes and starts talking quickly to them.

I snap my fingers, and instantly dark clouds gather, covering the stars and the half-moon. Lightning strikes all over the place, but then, with my hand, I direct the lightning to the plane. The lightning strikes the airplane, and all the power in the airplane goes out.

The dark clouds go away again and then I see Aston climb out of the plane.

"Don't know when to stop, do you?" He pauses, stopping in front of the plane. "I didn't think you'd find me again this quickly. You're better than I thought."

"I had help."

"Are you always like this?" He says. "Because I don't see how your friend, wherever he is, can stand to be around you if you're always like this."

"I'm only like this around you." I answer. "Quit stalling."

I lunge forward towards him, outstretching my arms in front of me, my palms facing him. Lightning shoots out from my hands and electrocutes him in bright white light. Sparks fly spurt out in every other direction and after about a minute I lower my arms. The lightning goes away and I find, after some smoke clears, Aston standing there, unscratched.

I stare at him in shock.

"Don't you know my powers?" He chuckles. "I can't be killed by the very thing I control."

He carelessly flicks his wrist in my direction and instantly a bolt of lightning shoots out and electrocutes me, blasting me backwards. I fly back, spinning in the air, and land roughly on my stomach on the rough ground. I attempt to get up, but my arms shake uncontrollably from the sudden blast of electricity and the crash against the rough surface, that they give out and I hear Aston chuckle. He walks towards me. Right before he reaches me he's thrown to the side by something of which I can't see. I hear him land on the ground and I try to stand up again. I manage to stand up as the cuts and scapes on my skin heal up automatically, the feeling of added electricity running through my body gone now, temporarily at least.

I turn and see Erik touch down on the ground. I look over to where Aston is and see a sheet of metal painted white on one side lying beside him. I look back and see a square of white is missing from the outside of the plane. I turn back to Erik.

Ending AstonWhere stories live. Discover now