All Grown Up

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HELLO!!! My name Is Jamie T. Davis. Please don't ask what the T is for, I don't even know yet. But I know it stands for my dads Last name. My mom wanted me to have her last name but still wanted to have my dad's last name in my name also. Confusing I know. Is it weird that I don't know what My dads last name is though? Nah!! ANYWAYS... Little about myself. Well, I'm 16 years old. My birthday is on December 12.

I live with my mum who is a single mother. I love my mum. She had me at a young age but never gave up on me. Unlike my dad. I wanna ask about him but I'm way to stubborn to let the questions slip out. To say I have a hatred towards my father would be an understatement.

My dad left when I was only four. Sure he was young but still. I loved my dad so much. We use to do everything together. Sometime we would go on these adventures. Sometimes alone and sometimes with my "Uncles" But a couple months after my 4th birthday he just left me and my mum.

It's been 11 years since that day and I'm still confused why he would want to leave. My mum says it's because of his career, but I can't but to think that it's because of me. I wasn't good enough for him probably. I was a disappointment growing up. I was always the class clown. Getting In trouble for being loud, getting picked on because my dad left me and my mum and made us become dirt poor. Sure mum had a good job, but it barely got us through. But I never let that stop me. I got a job at my local bakery when I was 9, made money to help my mum out, and put on the best fake smile I could and went on with my day. The bakery is like my second home.

People ask me if I remember or miss my dad. All I say is that I remember him a little but I don't miss him. But my mum does. She misses him a lot. I don't know why she would after what he had done.

However, if my father were to waltz back into our lives, I wouldn't be happy. He left. Making us almost homeless. But most of all, he broke my mothers heart. He never called. He never did anything. He never cared.

But I have to thank him for one thing. My talent. My mum always says how much of a good singer I am. She loves to hear me sing because it reminds her of dad. And if it makes her happy, then I would sing for her forever. But my mum and Jake are the only ones I truly sing In front of.

Jakes my best friend. We've known each other since birth. We'll not technically. He's a year older then I am, but you know what I mean.

One word to describe him.... Handsome. Very, very handsome. From age 9 to 10 I had a small crush on him. That was until he told me he liked boys when I was 10 and he was 11. It shocked me at first, but I wouldn't change a thing because he has always been the best big brother I could ask for.

He's tall too. About 6 foot while I'm only 5'5. He has medium length hair and bright green eyes. Jake is an exact replica of me. Well personality wise. We are both loud and crazy. And we both LOVE to clime on things when we get bored.

We'll I guess I better go. Jake is dragging me to the mall in the morning. Did I mention we both love clothes... But he is just a shopaholic!!


We'll here is the first chapter :D hope it's not too bad :) more chapters on the way :) please comment and tell me what you think ?? :D

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