Chapter 8

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Jamie's POV:

My little feet paddle against the floor. I was only two and just learning how to walk. Well, in this case, run. And I mean fast. All around the house.

"BooBear, get your bum over here and stop running, I don't want you to get hurt!" My Uncle Harry was just like my parents, maybe just a little less worrisome. But he was always so overprotective of me. He was always watching out over me and making sure I didn't have to make a visit to the emergency room. As of right now, he was babysitting me while my parents go have a movie night. But All in all, me and him were the closest out of all my Uncles. I loved him. He was my big bird and I was his little bird.

"Jamie please slow down babe," he said trying to catch me, "you are just like your father. Too hyper." I giggled, but soon stopped when I tripped over something. But before I could hit the ground, big hands grabbed me, pulling me up into the air. "And as clumsy as your mother," Harry said, tackling me with kisses and tickling my small sides.
"Stop, stop uncle hawwy, it tickles!" I say through my fit of laughter. He stops tickling me but continues his kiss attacks. I laugh, and put my tiny arms around his neck, nuzzling my face into the crook of it. And that stopped the kissing attack.
"I wuv you uncle hawwy." I say, suddenly getting very tired. "I love you too sweetheart." He lays down on the couch with me cuddled onto his chest. He turns on the TV and pulls a blanket over us. "I love you so much."

"I tired, but can't sweep," I sit up rubbing my eyes. Harry sits up, rubbing her back. I found myself biting my lip.

"Hmm, I'll be right back." Uncle Harry moves me off of him and goes into his room. He comes back in with his favourite flannel shirt. I love that shirt because it's so comfy and very very big. I always waddle into his room and search for it sometimes when he isn't looking. And when I find it, I put it on and 'run' around the house with it on. I just love it!
"You seem to like this thing a lot, don't you?" He asks me.
I nod my head up and down really fast, making grabby hands at the shirt. He laughed and handed it to me. I put it over me using it as a blanket. He sits down again and puts us into our previous position. I cuddle up into his chest.
"You can have my shirt if you love it that much sweetie."
I hug him as hard as my little arms could, which wasn't that hard.
"Thank you Uncle Hazzy," I mumble into his neck.
"You're welcome boo," he laughed.

*end of flashback*

Jamie's POV:

I sit on my bed, clutching this red flannel shirt for dear life. He said that it will help me sleep. But it's done so much more. It was like a security blanket of some sort. I always have this thing with me.
And now, I can't stop thinking about that moment. Uncle Harry is back.
And so is my dad.

But why?

Why did they come back now?

I don't know, but I didn't know if I wanted to find out.


Short Chapter I know I'm sorry :( but it's kind of a filler! Please please please check out my new story though! It called Truth

Thank you guys!!

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