Chapter 3

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Jamie's POV:

After Jake took me away from the stranger, he stopped and looked at me. He had a confused and concerned look.

" who was that? Are you ok? Did he do anything? I swear I will go off on his arse if he did anything!" Jake ranted. I couldn't help but laugh. He's always been an over protective older brother. It was sweet. I shook my head. " ok good... But Is it just me, or did he look somewhat familiar?" My eyes wide. So I had to know him from somewhere. If Jake knew him, then I had to also.

" Yes, I mean, it's bugging me so bad," I laughed a little.

" well I bet it was just some guy, come on I wanna see if they still have it!" I knew it was just no guy. And Jake knew that, but he really wanted this jumper!

After being pulled by Jake for 5 minutes, we finally got to the shop. Jake released my hand and ran right in. Before I entered, I was literally trampled by two men who ran straight into Jack Wills. I then turned around to see what they were running from.

My eyes went wide to see that tons of girls were chasing them. Before I could turn and walk inside the shop, a hand grabbed my wrist, and pushed me inside. " Hey be careful kid, they can be quite dangerous!" After he stated that, he was gone. Walking back to his friend. I seen that he had black hair styled in a quiff. Now he really did look familiar. Not just his hair, but his voice. 'Dang it!!! Not again!!' I thought to myself. Ok something's going on here. I know I know these guys!

I was walking around now, trying to find Jake. Then it hit me. A smile creeped on my face. Jakes birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks. If I find this jumper, I can use it as his birthday gift! Brilliant! "There you are! I have been looking everywhere! I thought you were outside with that crowd!" Jake came up behind me and hugged me. This boy is like a lost puppy.

" nope, did you find it?" I asked hoping he would say no.

" no," he stated sadly, " but I really gotta take a piss, keep looking!!" He yelled running off. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter because of his words.

I was searching until I seen a green and orange and white British flag in the way back of the store. That's it!!! I walked as fast as I could to the back of the store where it was hanging up.

" gotcha!" I said with excitement. I was about to grab the last one, which was surprisingly just right for Jake, which was an L. He may be gay, but he the most muscular guy you could ever see. He is super strong and buff.

As I was about to take it off the rack, a guy with blond hair had stopped me. " Hey! I saw that first!" He said as he ran up to me. That was enough to bring out the sass masta in me!

" hmm I don't think so, mister blond butt, I have been looking for this thing ALL day." I stated reaching for the jumper. That was until he grabbed it a also.

" Don't you know who I am?" He said in a 'matter of fact' tone. That's it, this guy is getting on my nerves.

" listen here monkey butt, I'm hungry, I'm annoyed, I'm tired, and I really don't want to do this right now. My friend has been wanting this jumper for almost a year now," I said bring his face down so it's level with mine. Dang People are tall nowadays, " and If you had some since in that blond head of yours, you'd hand over that jumper right now, cuz you don't wanna mess with the sass masta! I could go on forever!" He was now looking at me. Surprised. I took a look at him. He had a SnapBack on, black sunglasses, and a tank top on.

" you are just like my best mate." He removed his sunglasses. Blue eyes. Blond hair. Oh Come on!!! Is today the day that I have random people who look like someone I should know??? I guess so. But I'm still hungry and annoyed.

He stares at me for a minute, then his eyes go wide and gloss over. This is the second time today!! I look at him, then smile wide, being the cheeky thing I am, and slowly grab the jumper and run to the check out counter. To my surprise, he's not following or running after me. I quickly put the jumper on the counter and check it out. " would you like this wrapped miss?" The clerk asks me.

I look behind to see that blonde is gone. " sure why not." I smile at her. She returns the smile and continues to wrap. Jakes gonna love this. I smiled to myself.

The girl was almost done wrapping when I felt like someone was staring at me. And when I turned around, I seen 2 sets of eyes looking at me. It was the blond one and the guy who helped me outside. They both had wide eyes along with smiles. It was kinda creepy.

Oh craic they seen me staring at them. Wait did I just say craic? What the...

" there you go miss," the woman said.

" thank you," I smiled at her and looked behind me once more.

They weren't there, but they were right beside me now. I kinda got creeped out.

" that's her," I headed the blond one whisper. It annoyed me.

" you know I can here you right?" I asked and turned around to face them, they, once again, had wide eyes. Am I missing something." I'm sorry to make you feel so butt hurt blondie," I sassed.

" sorry kid, you just reminded us of someone," the one with a quiff said.

" it's all good..... But your still not getting the jumper!" I said to the blond one, with a big smile. He chuckled. " you are just like him" I heard him say. Ok now I'm very confused.

" hey who's that for Boo?" Thank you Jake for coming to my rescue! But now I have to lie to him.

" dude, you forgot mums birthday? Dang , your a little late. Good thing I got her something from both of us!" I grinned widely.

" OHHH ok well thanks you BooBear!!" He picked me up and showered me with little kisses. I seen that the two boys were staring at us with surprised expressions then looked at Jake with glares and fists clenched. Why is everybody glaring at Jake today?

With that Jake gave me a piggy back ride out of the mall, disappointed that "he" didn't "get" his jumper. ;)

Niall's POV:

The way she sassed me, the way she looked, everything about her. It was screaming At me that it was her. But when that little idiot came and swept her off her feet, I knew right then that it was her. He had called her BooBear.

Zayns POV:

When Niall told me what he had seen, I couldn't believe him. I just couldn't. But when he pointed her out, he pointed out the girl I had helped escape our fans. She had be about 15 or 16. But she matches the description. She looks exactly like Him. She acts exactly like Him. When we got closer, I could see it even more. She had to be her. But a grown up version of her. She was absolutely beautiful. And I was just letting that little ass give her piggy back ride out of the store. Taking her away from us. I couldn't move. All I could do was reach for my phone.


" what?" I was surprised. He sounded as though he had been crying. And probably crying hard.

" are you ok?" I asked.

" she's all grown up Zayn." Then the phone went dead. Tears had made their way to my eyes. Niall had tears stains on his cheeks.

Louis knew.

I turned to Niall. He had a smile on his face "She's all grown up, and I'm not losing her again" was all he said before running out of the store. Trying to find our baby girl.

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