Chapter Six: Rue's Death

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I  Wait by our tree, slowly drinking a bottle of UV, hoping she will turn up soon. After a while I get worried and set out to find her. I see that the third fire isn't lit, so she must be somewhere in between there and our meeting place. 

"Jenna!" I hear her scream 


She keeps screeching my name, and I follow the sound of her voice until I find her trapped in a net. Thats when Marvel comes out and spears her in the stomach. I get out my chainsaw and behead him. He dies immediately, but Rue is still holding onto her ife for a little while longer. 

"Sing to me" she says. I don’t know many songs, so I just sing the first one that comes to mind. 

"Soft Kitty, 

warm Kitty, 

Little Ball of Fur, 

Happy kitty,

sleepy kitty, 


My eyes fill with tears and I can barely mutter those last few lines. After singing that song I get some flowers and put them in her hands.  I walk away as the starships come to pick her and Marvel up.

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