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Sunlight seeped through the bottom of the short black satin curtains, emitting a bright glow. Specks of dust drifted around the bedroom in a lazy haze while the stagnent scent of cigarette smoke hung in the air.

Elvira looked down at the blood red set of skimpy lingerie that lay on top of a heap of black clothes that littered the floor. The thought of how good she looked in them last night brought a wicked grin to her face. One dangerously high heeled boot stood at the foot of the bed. Beside it lay another which could no longer be worn because it lacked a heel.

On either side of the black metal bed frame a metal hook was attached to the deep purple wall. They had begun to loosen over the years of use and the bed creaked when she shifted into an upright position.

Next to her lay a man, half concealed by the black velvet cover. She smirked as she sat on top of the covers, cigarette in hand. The only notable difference between the two of them was that he was no longer alive.

She had no idea what his name was. Jason? Jesse? Or was it James? She knew it begun with a J.

She gazed around the room to locate a lighter for her cigarette. When she got to her feet she bent down and rummaged around for her bag. After no luck of finding it she decided to fish through the dead guys jean pockets that were on the floor beside him. Inside was a black lighter and a flyer from the club that she worked in.

She let out a silent whoop and lit her cigarette.

When they met at The Hanging Bat last night where she worked they didn't spend long chatting because they had next to nothing in common. Instead they enjoyed exploring each other's mouths and later bodies with their tongues.

They would have had at least one thing in common: the fact that Elvira's complexion had been as pale as the corpse's was now. But this morning her cheeks glowed a rosy red, a benefit of spending the majority of the night feeding on James, or was it Jason?

Elvira looked at the body lying beside her. Why did he have to be so hot? Pardon the pun. She couldn't help herself. His black shaggy hair hung around his face with his perfectly chiselled jaw and full blue lips. He also had a large gash in his neck, the blood was dark crimson and had started to coagulate. She ran a hand over the ridges of his cold torso and guessed that he must have worked out a lot when he was alive. She lifted up the cover and looked down his body. A cunning smile spread across her face when she realised why she had chosen him and it wasn't just the rigor mortis. She'd had plenty of men in her one hundred and ten years of living on earth and it was safe to say none were like this guy!

She had even warned him that she was an ancient vampire who had risen from the underworld when he tried to pick her up but he just laughed it off. Jokes on him.

Picking up a white mug which had 'I love NY' written on the side she pressed the home button on her phone, which much to her surprise was dead. As she took a gulp of the dark unknown liquid, she heard faint voices talking from outside her room.

She downed the rest of the drink that was in fact whiskey, stubbed out her cigarette and got up to put her phone on charge. Before opening the door she slipped on a black lace robe and covered up the deceased yet gorgeous male who lay in her bed. Elvira knew how the girls would react when they saw him.

Before she opened the door she heard scratching coming from the other side. Her baby knew that she was awake! Elvira had a strong connection with her cat, it was as if Salem had a sixth sense and could communicate with her.

She bent down and picked up the black ball of fluff who stared up at her lovingly with large yellow eyes. She cooed over her furbaby and heard one of her flat mates shout, "The princess of darkness has finally awoken!"

Elvira rolled her eyes as both her friends stood in the kitchen across the hallway.

"You do know it's almost six? You have work in two hours." Lydia waltzed over to Elvira before she could shut her bedroom door and pushed past her. "Lets see who the mystery man is! It sounded like you two had a lot of fun last night."
Ryan followed closely behind with a mischievous grin on her face.

A flashback of the previous nights activities ran through Elvira's mind.
Her naked, mounting the sexy man who was tied up to the hooks. The passion fuelled kisses that grazed one anothers sweaty bodies. Him bleeding profusely from the neck. Her drinking the succulent blood greedily as it ran down her small breasts and down her stomach.

She quickly shook the images from her head and followed her friends back into her room.

Elvira had known Lydia and Ryan for four years, three of which consisted of them living together in an apartment on the outskirts of New York. They'd all met in a club where Elvira worked before her current job. Lucky for her the girls were understanding of her 'needs', so she had expected this reaction from them after bringing another guy back to their place. They found it intriguing and never told a soul. If either of them did they would be in trouble, Elvira had a lot more on them then they knew.

Elvira set Salem down on the bed and he instantly began sniffing at the covers. Lydia and Ryan both stood over the bed and after the count of three yanked back the cover to reveal the naked man beneath.

"Oh Elle, he's hot. Doesn't he look a bit like your ex Ry?" Lydia asked Ryan, pushing her blonde hair behind her ear so she could get a closer look.

Ryan looked quizzical as she studied the dead man's face and eventually his pale body. Elvira's heart pounded in her chest as she bit her lip and kept quiet. Please don't say I've slept with Ryan's ex. The words repeated over and over in her mind.

"I don't think so. Hank had a birth mark on his left thigh." Ryan said as she searched for the mark.

Elvira felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was glad that she hadn't just murdered her friends ex boyfriend. "His name definitely wasn't Hank. It was Jason or James. Something like that."

"That's okay then! Although I guess I wouldn't be too mad at you if you had killed him. He was an ass anyway." Ryan said before walking out the room. "Want a coffee?" She called back over her shoulder.

"Yes please." Elvira replied as she pulled the covers back over the body. She picked up her mug and started to follow Ryan. Salem padded along after her but Lydia still remained drooling over the deceased male.

"What are you going to do with him?" She asked as she peeked under the covers with wide eyes.

"What I always do with them." Elvira replied with a wink.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new story!
I will update weekly.
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