Part 2

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Cuphead P.O.V.

It had been over an hour since we had taken the tour of the Studio. We had met Boris and Alice although she didn't like me much she took a likeing  to Mugman. Boris doesn't talk much when everyone is around, but if it is just me and him then he'll talk to me. It's sort of boring around this place not much to do except clean.

Mugman P.O.V.

I'm so scared Alice keeps following me there is no safe place in this building except for the upper levels which is where me, Cups, Bendy, and Boris are and the only thing to eat is bacon soup. Seriously what the heck is bacon soup? I don't really trust myself and Cuphead around them, but we need their trust so I have no choice but to play along.

Bendy P.O.V.

I don't know how to feel around Cuphead and Mugman. I feel as if I can trust Cuphead, but Mugman is a different story I feel like he is hiding something I just don't know what.

Bendy and Cuphead crossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin