Part 5

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Bendy P.O.V.: Boris' body was fading back into the ink it was made from, I knew he would come back but that one had lasted the longest without leaving and getting killed by Alice. I knew Alice was up to something, but I hadn't known what until now; she wanted me to feel the same pain she felt when Joey had taken her beauty away except she took a friend. No a brother, Boris and I had always been close since before we had been brought to life. Boris and I would joke around and prank Henry and Joey all the time, but now all I can do is sit and wait till Boris comes back.

Mugman: How could you do that Cups!

Cuphead: Do what?

Mugman:  Kill Boris! You promised me you wouldn't do anything to harm them! And why did she *pointing to Alice* want to kill me!

Alice: It would have been fun.

Cuphead: Okay now can we please get on our way.

Mugman: I'm going back up there and apologizing to Bendy and so are you! *grabs Cuphead by the arm and drags him towards the elevator* I don't hear any more shrieking so we should be fine.

Bendy and Cuphead crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now