Part 10

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Hey just got the app on my phone I'm still adjusting so be patient had to move twice and bunch of other shit.

Bendy: I trusted you two
Mugman: I'm sorry Bendy really
Cuphead: Mugman lets go we have to go
Bendy: *crooks his head to the side* I'll just take what you have
Cuphead: what
Mugman: Cups what is he talking about
Bendy: *possesses Cuphead* let's see how you like it
Cuphead: Mugman r- *a gargling noise makes its way out of his throat*
Mugman: *frozen in fear* B-Bendy please
Bendy: *forces Cuphead to shoot Mugman*
Mugman: *vision fading as he falls* Cuphead
Cuphead: *tears streaming down his face* MUGMAN!!
Bendy: that's the price you pay
Hey guys that's it books finished if you aren't satisfied with the ending make one up yourselves but just know that not every story has a happy ending.

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